There are a plethora of things done offhandedly in this crowd that would sink any other administration. Why is this crowd coated in teflon? It sure seems like they are to me…despite 2 or 3 guilty so far. By now the trump mob organization should have gone down in flames. I’ll put a visual to it…
Inconceivable grasps it perfectly
A republican party that is Tearing down the FBI and the rule of law and supporting the Russians while failing to do anything about their meddling .
If you could harness the energy from Bill Buckley spinning in his grave , you could power New York state
Thank you! I have been saying this for a year. The GOP is knee deep in rubles.
It’s worth keeping in mind that even in Watergate, many of the Repubs voted to the end to support Nixon. This is from the Washington Post on July 28, 1974:
The first such impeachment recommendation in more than a century, it charges President Nixon with unlawful activities that formed a “course of conduct or plan” to obstruct the investigation of the Watergate break-in and to cover up other unlawful activities.
The vote was 27 to 11, with 6 of the committee’s 17 Republicans joining all 21 Democrats in voting to send the article to the House.
Given all of the evidence of Nixon’s treachery by the time of the vote, including getting the CIA to tell the FBI that the Watergate break-in was a matter of “national security” in order to get them to cut short their investigation, plus the tapes, which included Nixon agreeing to pay off the burglars to buy their silence, eleven Repubs on the House Judiciary Committee voted “no.”
Why Experts Don’t Believe The Nunes Memo Is What GOPers Claim
Does not matter, what matters is the REPUGS will eat it up and use it as reasoning to stonewall and run interference. What matters is it will become a big, very big $$$$$$$$$$$ raising tool. What it matters, truth or better not, it is another “they are against us” meme.
One of the real tragedies here is the incredible waste of time and energy that the entire nation is devoting to this daily idiocy. Where we could be and where we are is among the saddest thoughts I have, but I am sure the 1 percent would heartily disagree.
Since they’ve already called for purges of the federal government—to get rid of anyone who doesn’t support the Trumpzi Party—and since Paul Ryan has called for “cleansing” the FBI of those who do don’t support Trump, it’s evident to all but the dead or comatose that the GOP has gone full fascist without a second thought or a backward glance.
The fight is just beginning, and we have a lot of hard work ahead of the mid-terms to put the Democrats in control of Congress—because if we don’t do that, the America we have known will cease to exist.
These stupid muthas. They want so BADLY to go from Brownshirts to Goebbels that they will do anything. I hope this blows up in their treasonous faces.
Shouldn’t articles about this cherry-picked memo, complaining about FISA warrants, also include how nearly the entire GOP, passed the renewal of the FISA law Nunes and others are now recklessly complaining about? It seems to me the warrant was applied, just like the law stipulates, and that they went out of their way to renew it against some weird shit tRump was tweeting, both for and against it, within hours that day…and that shit happened only a few weeks ago.
At the time, DJT couldn’t get any of the facts straight in his head about the FISA law or its process, nor has he since, because he basically doesn’t understand how it works above a 3rd grade level. Nor does he get how the procedures and methods used by the Feds in obtaining and securing those warrants plays out when the 90 day renewal by a judge is authorized…and he’s the fucking Pr*sident of the US! I’m not saying its a perfect system, but I get the gist of it I think, at least more than some of these GOPers in Congress or that Orange Julius Caesar.
How many times can you explain it to someone that doesn’t want to learn or understand how things work, even when its explained to them using Scholastic-style picture books or half-page bullet-point memos? Maybe Nunes needs that same approach to explain how all this works. Feigning ignorance later isn’t going to be free get-out-of-jail card for any of them when their time is up.
Seems kinda relevant.
Republicans are using this bogus memo to conduct a Soviet-style purge of the FBI and the Department of Justice. We aren’t playing along with this charade and neither should the American people.
There, Dems … that’s not so difficult, is it?
OT but fabulous!
Not that it’s a big deal, but your chronology is a little off. Here’s Wikipedia:
In late July 1974, the White House released the subpoenaed tapes. One of those tapes was the so-called “smoking gun” tape, from June 23, 1972, six days after the Watergate break-in. In that tape, Nixon agrees that administration officials should approach Richard Helms, Director of the CIA, and Vernon A. Walters, Deputy Director, and ask them to request L. Patrick Gray, Acting Director of the FBI, to halt the Bureau’s investigation into the Watergate break-in on the grounds that it was a national security matter. The special prosecutor felt that Nixon, in so agreeing, had entered into a criminal conspiracy whose goal was the obstruction of justice.
Once the “smoking gun” tape was made public on August 5, 1974, Nixon’s political support practically vanished. The ten Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee who had voted against impeachment in committee announced that they would now vote for impeachment once the matter reached the House floor.
I only bring this up to say that it’s entirely conceivable that, once Mueller reveals what he can prove, the House Judiciary Committee (as opposed to Nunes’ gang of thieves on HPSCI), would start impeachment hearings.
Obviously, none of them have seen the Wire
Fair enough, and thanks for pointing that out.
Let’s assume there are no tapes of the Lyin’ King that we haven’t already seen and heard. What we know so far, the undisputed facts, are staggering enough. As with Watergate, the fact the House Repubs are actively engaged in protecting him, rather than letting the facts fall where they may, is enormously troubling.
FISA warrants do not have the same standards as criminal wiretap applications. That is why FISA applications are submitted to a secret court with its own set of rules. The FISA court routinely rubber stamps these applications because these are requests for national security surveillance. The type of evidence submitted is raw intel - sometimes just gossip or hunches.
the layers of high-level review in the Justice Department — and the practice of having preliminary discussions with the court and its staff, sometimes resulting in modifications. They say those steps ensure that the government rarely submits an application that falls short.
It is not a rubber stamp, the Intelligence Community rarely submits a bad warrant application because they are professionals.
a typical application ranges from 30 to 100 pages and centers on a factual affidavit by a senior F.B.I. agent working on the investigation at headquarters
There is much more to this but I will leave it here. The point is the application is a heavily researched and supported document that the court carefully reviews, (and would be even more careful about as it involved the campaign of a major candidate for President ant then that sitting President, this is not some spurious quickly scribbled chunk of paper, Page is guilty and probably the entire administration is complicit)
Even if the Steele reports were the basis for the warrant it would not be “in fact” abuse. The “Democrats funded the research” is irrelevant. Whether the content of the reports rise to the level to warrant surveillance (further investigation) is what matters.
To accept the premise that it would be “abuse” is to say if Democrats come across or dig up information about foreign espionage or a crime, it can never be valid to investigate because it comes from Democrats.
It’s a horseshit premise that has been pushed and promulgated by Republicans to play the victim and “work the ref”.
Yes, all public interactions with the trump administration are borrowed from overhyped game shows and “reality” shows, down to the “Ooooh, what will happen next???!? Stay tuned for the shocking finale, right after this commercial break!”