Hah . . .
Republicans are counting on Russian assistance in elections “now and forever” (apparently) so what are we gonna’ do ???
Democrats need to start screaming the truth … constantly … everywhere … all the time. Dems need to force feed R’s and R leaning cable news hand puppets that “Republican bullshit” they have been slinging without challenge. Stop hiding and forget that “grownup in the room” … you NEED to win. R’s like to say “it ain’t beanbags” … OK … shove those “beanbags” up or down any Republican you can corner.
Take something other than a feather pillow to the “gunfight” Republicans have invited you to. Fight against the Russkies. FIGHT FOR US !!!
Well it’s obviously just another excuse to not impeach The Rump. Next week it’ll be a different excuse. Rumpublicans care more than anything about clinging to their own little sloppy seconds of power. The guys who cared about the country are long retired or dead.
Was heartening to read this:
I’m not going to live long enough for the MSM or the “experts” to FINALLY realize (in public) that Republicans simply make shit up and then lie. What the hell will it finally take?
Nunes is a proven liar, a proven party-before-country Republican, and a proven henchman for Trump. Anyone with an IQ over 50 knows he will do and say anything to help Trump - especially lie.
And yet, we get to watch a parade of “experts” whine that - oh, this can’t be true because it would mean so many are involved - blah, blah, blah.
How about this guys. Nunes is a lying bastard - period. NOTHING he says should EVER be trusted even if for once something he said happens to be true. And, Republicans don’t give a damn if even one word of this crap is true or if the entire thing is fabricated.
For reference - see Benghazi. Nine investigations based on the fabrication that President Obama didn’t care if the Ambassador died and gave a stand down order. NINE investigations - based on a nasty, rotten lie.
I have been amazed…and continue to be… that someone of the character Nunes has exhibited since the start of the Russia scandal would be privy to any classified material.
And now there is a dossier from a second source corroborating the Steele dossier.
@go2goal The university in San Luis Obispo is not UC San Luis Obispo. It’s California Polytechnic State University, Cal Poly for short; there is also a Cal Poly in Pomona.
Here’s a link to the editorial in the Fresno Bee ripping Nunes Mother Jones referenced.
You have to love any editorial headlined:
they all perjured themselves, they all opened themselves to criminal liability,”
If Democrats are looking to message something, this seems quite nice.
The Republican angle on that will be to attack the author’s credibility: they’d likely do it anyway, but in this case Cody Shearer’s past makes it a certainty.
So there are two more aspects to the Nunes memo and the #ReleasetheMemo movement.
First, it is now clear beyond dispute that the #ReleasetheMemo activity has been taken over by Russian bots. That fact needs to be in every discussion of this issue.
Second, though, while the article quotes several intelligence experts about the kind of information needed for the original FISA warrant, the warrant that is the subject of the Nunes memo is the renewal application signed off on by Rod Rosenstein. According to Ron Klain on MSNBC, in order to renew a FISA warrant, the supporting affidavit needs to document that material information has been obtained from the original warrant. If the original warrant came up empty, the warrant will not be renewed. Accordingly, whatever Rosenstein signed had to include an itemization of the conversations between Page and the Russians that had already yielded usable intelligence.
This is a fact worth keeping mind.
I suppose they had to get Supergenius David Nunes to compile the memo, since they couldn’t use Louis Gohmert because his involvement would cast asparaguses on the content contained within it.
Looks better in vertical stripes than the family Huckabee …
Notice that the top line talking point from the respectable R’s is all about seeking “transparency” and “accountability” which is a nice spin and dodge from the basic fact that because it’s about national intelligence, real transparency is inherently not possible. How would a fight over the construction and use of the US nuclear codes sound in terms of transparency and accountability? Like discrimination against LGBTs is about “religious freedom”, the R’s are now experts at missing the head of a nail, with a hefty intentionally stay wack. It’s pure talk like Newt-ese and it is evil.
GOD said it better:
Good reason to not dabble in social media.
Fake News from a groveling, Trump toady acolyte.
It used to be tin hat stuff, but now I’m convinced that we have multiple GOP House members spending their tax-funded days in DC working hardest to protect Vladimir Putin’s interests over our own. Certainly our dimwitted POTUS is focused on that, but now we are going to need a head count on just how many in Paul Ryan’s Russia Caucus are doing the same!
At the very least, I think we can assume that Ol’ Devin has the proper security clearance to access classified material. Whether he’s deserving of that access is another matter. A year plus into this sham of a presidency and Jared “Everybody loves that kid” Kushner still doesn’t have security clearance, but still has access to classified material, including the PDB. Like most other things to do with this maladministration it manages to be both shocking and completely unsurprising at the same time.