If the very first question from the press to Nunes isn’t “What role did the White House play in crafting this memo?”, then every member of the media should have their credentials revoked.
You are joking, right?
Oh, the Democrat angle is not relevant, agreed. But according to all intel experts I have seen discuss this, and it makes sense, a FISA warrant would not be issued based only on 1 dossier from a source who is not even part of our intel community. Judges would want to see at least one more per piece of evidence for sure, they would never issue a FISA warrant based on one thing unless it was iron tight (like a tape recording of a conversation). But not on a dossier, that would indeed be not only an abuse, but it would be grounds for disciplinary action on the judge who issued it. FISA warrants are serious stuff. And in fact that is why all intel experts are saying the Nunes memo is total BS, because they know a judge would never issue a FISA warrant based only on the dossier.
I have a number of friends who have undergone chemo for advanced stage cancer, and the national ordeal reminds me of their horrible experience. You tolerate daily worry, pain, nausea, time-consuming struggles, all in the hope that soon it will be over, all shadowed by the fear that it may not. It leaves permanent scars, both physical and psychic.
Our nation is suffering through a critical disease. We may or may not recover. Some days it’s not looking to good.
The second question to Nunes should be, “What portion of your personal wealth depends on Russian investment in your assets?”
Some people are slow learners, and some will never learn, but the more there are who see the light, the better.
Well, yes and no. All the wind will be let out of the sails concerning this, Nunes will have moved on to the next hyped assertion long before then.
I am still curious about the Republicans who have hung their hats on this. Nunes has failed them before. It gives the impression that they are not really doing the hard work of reading and understanding it. They are rubber stamping it, along with any talking points that are developed. Just like they did on the Tax Bill.
The excerpt refers only to the first Article of Impeachment; in fact there were three.
All 21 Democrats supported Articles 1 and 2; two of them opposed Article 3. Of the 17 Republicans, ten opposed all three Articles; Articles 1 and 2 got 6 votes each; only 2 supported Article 3.
Another way to look at it: out of the 38 members of the Committee, 19 Democrats and 1 Republican supported all 3 articles of impeachment.
That one Republican was Larry Hogan. While in law school, he’d been an FBI agent. Here’s what he said about Nixon with tears in his eyes, and to me it has been unforgettable:
The fact is, and the thing that’s so appalling to me is that the President, when this whole idea was suggested to him, didn’t, in righteous indignation, rise up and say,
Get out of here, you’re in the office of the President of the United States. How can you talk about blackmail and bribery and keeping witnesses silent? This is the Presidency of the United States!
and throw them out of his office and pick up the phone and call the Department of Justice and tell them, there’s an obstruction of justice going on, someone’s trying to buy the silence of a witness. [Here Larry pauses.] But my President didn’t do that. [Here his voice breaks.] He sat there and he worked and worked to try to cover this thing up so it wouldn’t come to light. He didn’t have to [find out] because he already knew, and he consistently tried to cover up the evidence and obstruct justice. And as much as it pains me to say it, he should be impeached and removed from office.
Larry was from Boston. I disagreed with him on many things; he was a conservative who had steadfastly supported Nixon. But he died just last year. All who knew him miss him dearly.
Yup. It’ll only be temporary. Sadly, the slavering masses will never recognize him as “the boy who cried wolf” but will snarf up the next bit of fake meat he waves in front of them.
I recall the basis of the page inquiry was from intel we received from the aussies, isreal, a couple of others AND the dossier was first purchased by no trumpers ie: jeb bush…
This useless sack of f**king excrement had a hand in the Hitler Diaries as well. Guess I’m dating myself.
Here’s what I find inconceivable. That Nunes actually wrote the memo. What’s inconceivable that somebody would write one of the most egrigious attacks on the integrity of the DOJ and FBI without even bothering to read the underlying data. Did they really let two staffers do all the research and no one at least checked what they found. Again we are talking about one of the most serious attacks on the integrity of the nation’s justice institutions in history. (And as an aside would staffers actually have clearance to look at the data?) So who wrote it. Given that neither Nunes nor the WH are denying they colluded on the memo is it is possible that the WH actually wrote it. Wouldn’t be the first time.
“Inconceiveable…”…yet it has been conceived,propeled forward by an obvious traitor and enabled by the jackels in the GOP knowing that their cooperation in unraveling the Presidents criminakity in the Russian interference will crater their corrupt influence on America.Ask yourself…what price freedom? Be prepared to pay that price or risk losing it for a generation.
No thread about Devin Nunes would be complete without this: HIS OPPONENT THIS NOVEMBER IS ANDREW JANZ. PLEASE DONATE HERE.
Or “The House of Representatives Implicates Itself in the Cover-up of Russian Interference,” as an alternate title.
Can someone please look into the rumors that Nunes coordinated the writing of the memo with the White House? We know Nunes is too dense to write something like this himself.
Great slogan.
He doesn’t claim to have written it himself. Committee staffers wrote it with his goals in mind.
you can bet it’s a carefully picked bowl of cherries. Made all the more dishonest by holding back the minority rebuttal memo. A real debate needs both. Someone fears that. - John McLaughlin, who served as acting CIA director under George W. Bush
What a bizarro world I find myself in having to rely on the lackeys of the George W. Bush presidency to be our civic knights in shining armor. I suppose even Darth Vader had Imperial officers with a conscience. Most peculiar…