Discussion: In Combative Exchange, WH Accuses Journalists Of Purposefully Misleading

She gets to because HRC took the grief before her.

The press has no trouble presenting a defense against the WH attacks, but it makes no difference to Trump supporters. The people who voted for Trump don’t care about the truth.

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It’s a good question, but it amounts to this… How do you fight the shamelessness? At this point, I’d support badgering her over a single nontruth until she admits it, or stomps off. Every reporter has to stick with it. Plus points for getting Fox News to go along [it’s in Smith’s and Wallace’s interests]. You might even say I support collusion among the networks in doing it.

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The entire press pool needs to stand up and walk out when she starts lying. There is no point to being lied to even more. You leave people when they are abusive in relationships and the same should happen here.

Nothing as soft as butter. Try a hardwood like oak. You’d need a chain saw to cut through this irony.

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My suggestion going back to the beginning of his sordid, vengeful, nasty, libelous campaign is to put most of what Don the Reality-Show-Host says and does in the Entertainment section and the half-hour celebrity gossip shows. Because that’s his forte and how he wants to be recognized. Celebrity. It will give real journalists time to work up in-depth reports on what the government is doing in the absence of an actual president. OK, occasionally (Jerusalem) he says something newsworthy–though notice he hasn’t actually done anything about what he said. Don the Con is a talker, not a doer.

pretty audacious to call someone a liar when they are merely reporting YOUR WORDS

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These things are a complete waste of journalist’s time. It’s a lazy way to get a story.

Wow, her face, which started fairly nasty to begin with, is achieving horror at Palin-like speeds.

Can’t wait for the film “Washer Woman Rising!”

Agreed. When she lies to your face, and particularly when those lies are personal insults to you and your employer’s integrity, you go on the offensive and you don’t let up until she walks away from the podium. Argue with her. Fight with her. Anything but laying down and taking it, as that entire room save a few did.

Sarah, here’s your example of purposely misleading reporting:

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Oh no you di’int! I have one thing to say… Sachay Huckbae! Work! Turn to the right. Work! Turn to the right. [you just know Huckbae not gonna turn the other direction]

“There’s a big difference between making honest mistakes and purposefully misleading the American people, something that happens regularly.”

No Sh*t.


Other acceptable answers include a Mirror.

Meanwhile her boss keeps saying things like, “Many people have said…” , “Everybody is saying…”, “I’m like a really smart person”…and yet he never offers any proof or vetting of any of his statements. Our press has indeed gotten sloppy in the age of the 24/7 news cycle, but even when they do get things wrong, they aren’t nearly as egregious as the blatant lies told by the White house staff and the president day in and day out.

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Yeah but… when you’ve repeatedly said and done the unbelievable [Charlottesville being an example], don’t you remove the option to suspend disbelief?

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I’ll go a step further and say that it was a mistake for the ABC to punish Brian Ross with expulsion from covering the White House in the future and unpaid leave like he was caught stealing or groping.

ABC and Ross should have made their apology for the unintentional error and just moved on. Instead they empowered tRump and YOU SHOULD NEVER, EVER EMPOWER A WANNA BE DESPOT WHO’S HOLDING ALL THE KEYS TO THE PALACE.


And rich as sweet tea.

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Well to be precise…when they do it…it’s called using Alternate Facts.