Sandworm Hucksterbee Sanders IS Miss Leading.
The White House accuses journalists of being purposely misleading?
That’s rich.
The irony is as thick as butter.
If the WHPC can’t defend themselves from the attacks of a supremely mediocre idiot like SHS who works for serial liar and deceiver DJT, they need a new line of work.
Keep in mind, Trump’s inauguration kicked ass!
The only people who are purposely misleading about the news and events are alt-president Drumpf, Sarah Hucklf*ck, Fox (Faux) News, Briebart, Steve Bannon, the entire White House cabinet, etc., etc., etc.,
There’s a big difference between making honest mistakes and purposefully misleading the American people, something that happens regularly.”
Couldn’t agree more. She’s talking about Donald, right?
Did anyone bring up Trump’s 2000th lie? How about the birther lie? The wiretapp lie? Mnuchin’s lie about Treasury’s tax plan analysis? The crowds of muslims applauding 911? The lie about millions of people committing voter fraud? Did anyone ask Ms. Suckabee how she can complain about misleading news reports when trumpland misleads on a continual basis?
Slow to arrive? They corrected the story and slammed the reporter the same day. Back in the old days, it used to take them up to a week to admit a mistake.
Future encyclopedias will illustrate their write-up on “witch” with Ms Arkansas as Trump Press Secretary. My brain has already made that edit. My nightmares feature the witch coming for me!! I keep a loaded gun on my nightstand, just in case.
Did anyone else notice Ms Arkansas saying: The accusations by those women are all false - those things didn’t happen, and they happened a long time ago.
I’m glad there’s still someone else out there who knows the difference.
LIars lie. trumpeters are the biggest liars.
She had been asked for proof of purposely misleading reporting, and produced an example, Ross’, that was not purposeful.
More proof that Republican’ts lack the irony gene…
This from the people who brought you “I never met with any Russians.”
“There’s a big difference between making honest mistakes and purposefully misleading the American people, something that happens regularly.”
You said it, Sarah, now deal with the consequences of correctly defining your own actions.
She has a point. THere have been times when the MSM pushed, after they knew it to be incorrect, a false story because “it was so much fun”. That one came from the post-mortem of the MSM’s railroading of Al Gore…who never said he invented the internet. They have done it. They did it in overreporting HRC’s emails and they did it in underreporting WMD. She has a point. She’s just making it in the wrong environment. Trump’s received deferential reporting. Had he been treated as the MSM was conceived to treat folks he’d not be POTUS.
“Sarah Huckabee Sanders tells the truth.”
There, Mother Hamhock. I have given you an example of a journalistic statement that could truly be considered “fake news”.
No she does not and anytime someone accuses the MSM of this it adds to their authoritarian argument about the press as “fake news”
Ya mean like someone who would tweet phony Islamic terrorism videos . Misleading like that?