Discussion: In Combative Exchange, WH Accuses Journalists Of Purposefully Misleading

How come she gets to keep her middle name?


Here’s a couple of examples of reporting misleading information:
Republicans say “The tax cuts [for corporations and the rich] will pay for themselves.”
Trump says “I will not benefit from the tax cuts.”
Trump says [just about anything else he says or tweets].


Did any of the reporters push back forcefully? As in, “No, that’s what you and this White House do every single day, to our faces and to the American people?”

Because passively allowing this Big Lie bullshit to breathe is what allows it to work. She treats the WH Press Corps like absolute shit. They should not fear being expelled from these charades for being confrontational and combative, particularly when this fascist liar is attacking their professional and personal integrity to their f’ing faces.


“Can you cite a specific story that you say is intentionally false that was intentionally put out there to mislead the American people?”

Here ya go…and you can’t possibly argue with a straight face that these weren’t INTENTIONAL:

And on and on and on and on and on and on and on…


She talks over them.

Quit blaming the press for everything.

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One of these reporters needs to tell SHS, “So what you’re saying is, if you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself” (Orwell 1984 reference). And then all of them walk out in unison.


She is unspeakably vile.




One possible exchange to request: WH to provide at least 10 news stories that it believes were fake news. Media to provide at least 100 news stories that the WH/Pres called fake news that are true and well-sourced. Let’s see what happens, then?


Oh, she talked over them? Well, bless their hearts, how rude! No wonder they didn’t fight back.

And I’m not “blaming the press for everything,” nor am I criticizing all of those reporters. Acosta was trying to hold his ground, and good for him. But immediately after she lied to their faces and attacked their professional integrity by accusing them of what she does every single day, the very next question was about freaking tax reform.


Really? Who cares what sad sack sarah has to say? What a dope.

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As she said before having to down another fifth of battery acid whiskey just to get through the day

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She is a vile witch that lies and enables and ‘misleads’ to the detriment of the COUNTRY…and then when attacked ‘Daddy’ (the Huckster, not Donnie) comes running out to save her and disparages the country they profess to ‘love’…every damn time.


“You cannot say that it’s an honest mistake when you’re purposefully putting out information that you know to be false or when you’re taking information that hasn’t been validated, that hasn’t been offered any credibility and that has been continually denied by a number of people including people with direct knowledge of an instance. This is something that — I’m speaking about the number of reports that have taken place over the last couple of weeks. I’m simply stating that there should be a certain level of responsibility in that process.”

Every. Trump. Admin. “News.” Conference. Ever!


You report what happens but bottom line clearly her job is to be the public face of the Trump Administration in relating to the press. Press secretaries generally have higher standards in that respect, but this is the Trump Administration. Overall, nothing she says really should be take totally on face value.

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I’m licking my chops for the day when a reporter finally just doesn’t give a damn anymore and calls her and her boss out as the liars they are with the most foul but honest language imaginable. And that reporter should be given a Pulitzer for doing it. And a commendation from Reporters Without Borders. And a Nobel Peace Prize. And from the look on his face just about every time Sarah Humdinger Saddlebags tells her bald-faced whoppers in answer to his questions, I have a feeling Jim Acosta will be the first, although April Ryan would be the reporter I would personally like to see take this vile, lying propagandist down.
And I think one of the media outlets, if they were smart, should give a special press pass to Ru Paul, just so he can unmercifully critique her fashion sense.


I think I supported my argument well enough.

She’s out of her depth. All the time.

Still, I suppose she’s the best that der Furor could get for the job.


I think there is indeed purposeful false reporting with respect to trump. Not so much in the sense of reporters deliberately making things up, but rather reporters being so eager to believe the worst about him that they suspend their disbelief and their judgement. The problem isn’t of course confined to reporters. People across the western world are becoming polarised and radicalised into [insert your tribe here], and have lost the art of disagreeing amicably and discussing differences. Bret Stephens just gave a great lecture on the topic. Have a read.

Fine - here’s what I see - the left bitches about the press as constantly as the right.

Tell you what - the MSM might not be perfect but you are going to miss the fuck out of it if we lose it. It makes it easier when both sides join in battle against them.