Discussion: In Combative Exchange, WH Accuses Journalists Of Purposefully Misleading

Check under your local bridges, peeps!!! Looks like one of them got loose from their chains again!!!


Seth. Rich.

The End.


We saw this live and both agreed to take and early shot of bourbon. It was unf*ckingbelievable :smirk: Is there an Heisman type awards committee for Most Obvious Obfuscation?

Then to clear our heads we watched this. Itā€™s twenty five minutes but worth every second.


Someone should have pointed out Trumpā€™s own people did such things to themselves, no help from the press needed.

ā€œSarah, are you accusing the press of purposefully misleading the public, say, in the same fashion Mike Flynn purposefully mislead VP Pence?ā€


Maybe she should talk about how ā€œboth sides do itā€, withā€¦

  • Side A being donnie tweeting false news multiple times a day, every day, and doubling down on it the next, never mind taking it back.
  • And side A also being the press sec. herself spouting fake news from the podium every day and never taking it back.
  • And side A also being right wing news sites publishing volumes of fake stories, including Faux News, who make half-assed retractions only when yelled at enough on social media.
  • And we wonā€™t even mention the Faux News ā€œopinionā€ shows.

And then thereā€™s side B: the ā€œliberalā€ media, who occasionally get things wrong, often self-correct, but corrects even if others detect, and then immediately and fully retract and apologize (with firings, if the case is egregious enough).

Yup, both sides do it!

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ā€œWhite House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was combative Monday while accusing members of the press of purposefully reporting false informationā€¦ā€

I think the American press has a patriotic duty to act more responsibly.

Like Pravda.

Or Izvestia.

Maybe TASS.


Sister Sarah has no problem with those who stenograph her and Trumpā€™s daily lies, however. She is tasked with giving a daily reminder about the wickedness of those who get their info from sources other than the WH and its tools. Itā€™s Trumpitesā€™ version of the 5 Minute Hate. This looped messaging is so obvious yet so effective.


At risk of getting banned here because the following doesnā€™t cast TPM in a great light while also downplaying Joshā€™s actual honesty in the situation, and knowing SHS probably has no idea The Intercept even exists, thereā€™s this because it does deserve mention: https://theintercept.com/2017/12/09/the-u-s-media-yesterday-suffered-its-most-humiliating-debacle-in-ages-now-refuses-all-transparency-over-what-happened/

We all have a long way to go, no amount of corruption in our enemies automatically confers moral purity in ourselves. Thereā€™s an old legend in Asia ā€“ if you fight demons too long you risk becoming a demon yourself.

If sheā€™s not, then she must mean that since donnie is batshit crazy insane, itā€™s not really his fault, and so not purposeful.

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"When journalists make honest mistakes, they should own up to them, sometimes, and a lot of times you donā€™t,ā€ Sanders responded to CNNā€™s Jim Acosta, who had contended that journalists can make honest mistakes without earning the Presidentā€™s ā€œfake newsā€ label



And thatā€™s where, even if it comes from the WH, it needs to be fact-checked before reporting it. I know, I know - itā€™s all about getting the scoop. But if the WH and their merry band of liars is purposefully setting up reporters with fake news items in order to support their hypothesis that the mainstream media only reports fake news, it would behoove the major news organization to take a step back, fact-check and THEN report on it, including where the clip of the WH (or minion) statement is made on tape and then backed up or called out as a lie with another clip from someone who actually knows whatā€™s going on.

Donā€™t fall for it, MSM. For every time they catch you, they will magnify this 1000 times and make it true that you purvey nothing but fake news. Youā€™re playing into their hands. Stop it!

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At least they donā€™t print the unsubstantiated stories of 60 Kremlin aides who all say the same thing (before all, by some freak coincidence, meet unusual but totally unrelated deaths).

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I saw Roy Mooreā€™s spokeswoman Janet Porter w/ Anderson Cooper this weekend.
Also, Chelsea Handlerā€™s funny but mean parody of a Sarah Huckabee Sanders makeup tutorial.

It occurred to me that Huckabee Sanders being in this position is intentional. When Trumpā€™s diehard supporters see her, they see ā€œone of usā€ in a high powered job in the WH, sticking it to the liberal media. But ā€œone of usā€ being included in an administration. Every time she lies, or says something racist or homophobic, or is rude to African American journalists, it is a WIN for them. It irks everyone else. They like this. Watch Janet Porter and maybe even Mooreā€™s wife in her initial press conferenceā€¦they are all the sameā€¦(perhaps a less attractive version of the Fox News babe?..not really sure).

Until the WH correspondents figure out how to do battle in a way w/ her that is not condescending, sheā€™ll continue to be effective in the way I am starting to think she was meant to be. Iā€™m not sure what the answer is. In a way, I like Jay Rosenā€™s idea of having every network/new source send their interns to the briefings and send the reporters out where the stories actually are.

Does anyone have any ideas?



Donā€™t care if I offend.

What a TWUNT!

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And who will be named Miss Confusionality?

And of course hereā€™s a musical selection.


Iā€™m not one given to prayer, but every night when I lay me down to sleep I now say a little prayer - that I never see this woman again. Except for one last glimpse as sheā€™s frog-marched off to jail, wearing an orange jumpsuitā€¦
ā€œPlease, please, please let Mr. Mueller send this vile person to jailā€.

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Purposely misleading? Look in the mirror, SHS.

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Iā€™m not sure sheā€™s even in their sightsā€¦

Her predecessor, however? Thatā€™s another story.

Itā€™s a sin against the Master of the Universe. Sheā€™ll dearly pay for it when the trumpet calls her name (haha, I made a funny), calls her forth to be judged up yander. Judged by the King of the Universe for the Day ā€“ me!! *, **

*Front row tickets $50.00. All else $35.00. All proceeds to be donated to the Dump Trump Campaign and the Eighteen and Counting Campaign (to pay for court costs and reasonable lawyer fees for those claiming harassment, rape, etc., by Trump.

**Only Democrats get to be King of the Universe for the Day. Proof of voting required.

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