Discussion: In Combative Exchange, WH Accuses Journalists Of Purposefully Misleading

Yeah I agree with you.

I had a guy running for the Texas senate come to the door yesterday - very progressive, said so on his flier and he and I talked about Trumpism and he said he’s running because he thinks it is a national emergency.

It is. I think maybe some people are too scared to really face that but everything that has made this country about freedom is under serious attack right now. And it’s worse than that - actual reality is under attack. They are trying to destroy our national story, the story that makes us one nation. Our story is that we are a nation of laws that respects individuals’ rights and liberties, and that welcomes immigrants and people have come to this New World from all over the world, and succeeded.


I’m not the first one to say this… But JUST STOP GOING TO HER STUPID “PRESS BRIEFINGS”! Let her hang out with the Fox news folks and they can lie to each other all day long, day after day, and the rest of us can sit back and not give a shit…

That’s exactly what the WH wants.


This “Trump” that’s upset about fake, purposefully misleading news, is it the same Trump that donated to James O’Keefe and Project Veritas? Just curious.


Explain, please…

No, it’s self-explanatory.

SHS performance today is pure Kabuki theater meant to distract the die-hard Trump true-believers and anyone else too stupid to think for themselves so that they don’t start wondering if there is some truth to media reporting about the horrific Republican tax scheme, the Republican failure at improving access to health care, and those pesky indictments in the Russian collusion investigation of which there are more to come I suspect.

BTW, Ms Hamhock…
You are human I assume (I admit that it may be a stretch). That means from time to time you get it wrong. I’d like to hear you fess up when you mess up. But I suspect you never will cuz yer perfect.

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It got hot in the White House News Room today. Sarah struggled to make it through the sludge. But the news reporters were not going to have it today.! They demanded answers and guess what? Sarah lied even more!!!

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Take trump’s tweets and public statements. No reporter needed. Trump’s own people will tell you to not take them at face value. How then do we arrive at “accuracy” otherwise known in empirical circles as ‘the truth’?


Did Acosta or any journalist in the room correct Huckabee-Sanders on her blatant lie about Brian Ross? Did any one point out that no one who has willfully mislead the American people from the WH press room podium was suspended or lost her job?

Objectifying :heavy_minus_sign: Schl’Objectifyng…

This :japanese_ogre: person is just Vile, deep down.

Mercy, mercy me! Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

If I recall correctly, Acosta did make a decent effort at refuting her but she just keeps on talking and talking, pointing at whomever and saying “Next,” acting like it’s all just some bad nightmare on her part. Truthfully, I believe all of the reporters who work for reputable sources should come to some agreement that when another moment like this arises that they will make a big effort to be called on as “Next,” and promise to continue along the same line of questioning. They do, however, run the risk of her then saying, “Does anyone else have a question NOT related to …?” – like she did to April Ryan who kept trying to get a reasonable response on the questions of why it’s okay to take others’ accusers seriously and not Donald’s own … besides just calling them liars. SHS just talked over her repeatedly then finally made it clear she had no more to add to whatever it was she has been saying all along. That would have been a perfect time, as well. Ryan kept telling her that the story is current and it is large – to no avail.


I don’t believe that SHS can keep this up too much longer. She looks unhappy and it is taking a toll. Today was just over-the-top mean and nasty and defensive.

I assume SHS expects a career somewhere when this gig is up. Working for this POTUS is not a good resume builder. Note: Sean Spicer has not been hired.


April Ryan was very polite but dogged. You are right about Acosta too. They need to keep doing this,


I have to agree. Did you hear her when she walked out and started reading off the news about the NYC subway bomb? She sounded like a disinterested fourth-grader reading a report about some subject the teacher forced on her. Damn, there was not a tone of empathy or caring in her voice. I mean, she wasn’t even trying to fake it.

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April Ryan is one of my favorites. I truly felt it for Acosta today – especially about that damn lie she forced on them about journalists deliberately lying.


Yes, that monotonous delivery is awful. There was no empathy when she spoke of sexual harassment either. Also, rather than discussing how complicated the immigration issue is, the focus was on chain migration -many of us are here because of it- and blaming Dems for the lack of new immigration policy and laws. This is contrary to recent history as Dubya tried to begin the conversation about immigration but was shut down by his own party. Everything President Obama tried was blocked by Republicans.

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No, I don’t think you do. The point at which journalists stop thinking critically and taking the time to check facts in favour of reporting the latest rumours is the point at which the profession is brought into disrepute. So much of what is written about him is a combination of fact, intrigue, contested opinion and allegation (both believable and incredible) that I suspect even the most avid supporters and detractors alike find it difficult to keep track.

“There’s a big difference between making honest mistakes and purposefully misleading the American people, something that happens regularly.”

She, of all people, should know.

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