Discussion: High School Basketball Fans Chant 'Build A Wall' At Latino Opponents

I hope all you Progressives realize the DEPTHS of racism in America, and how Trump has released it into the body politic.
Anyone who thinks that the Democrats will “DESTROY” Trump in the general are in deep, deep denial about how much pull his racism, xenophobia, and strong-man chest-thumping have to the soul of White America.
There will be literally MILLIONS of voters who will denounce Trump publicly and then vote for him in the privacy of the voting booth (us old timers call that the NIXON Effect.)
You take him lightly at your own peril. We will have to work HARD to defeat him as the Billion$$ that will pour in to support him from the John Bircher Billionaires/Adlesons/Super-PACs/and MainStream Republicans who will jump on that Bandwagon the moment they get a glimmer of hope he can win (and HE CAN WIN.)
Salient Quote: “All that is required for Evil to succeed is for good men to do Nothing.”


The game should have immediately been suspended, and the coach of the home team instructed that they would forfeit the game if the fans continued with their racist taunts. But the bigger deal is, how do you change the hearts of the students who were doing the taunting?


Don’t tell me - let me guess. Bob Jones University? Liberty University? Oral Roberts University?

Let’s work to ensure it’s foreshadowing

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Too many of them grow up and turn into their parents.

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I think he may imply that Southern pride is now nationwide. Although blaming racism exclusively on Southerners is unfair. Racism has always existed everywhere in America.


There is now no shame. Some of it is Competitive Race Relations (too long a topic for one post, but Pierre van den Berghe wrote on it). Most of it, in my opinion, is laid to rest at the foot of the MSM.

If the Trump phenomenon continues–one in which (a) people are unrestrained by shame (b) Trump himself (the greatest public liar in history) can dissemble on a daily basis–we are going to see a “racial” vitriol unseen since the 1920s.

All under the umbrella of False Equivalency

Germany never had this.

Racism is taught.

America is in trouble … we need to get out the vote as we never have before..


I believe the really offensive remarks happened after the team lost. Sore losers had to lash out. Of course, having these props available meant they had planned it.

What kills me is that they are just saying they will look into this. No suspensions or immediate expulsions? You have several students on video leading the chants and carrying signs. This is a clear violation of school (and Catholic Church) policy, far more so than two teenagers “fooling around” or even cheating on a test, either of which would have resulted in swift and severe action up to and including expulsion.

So why no expulsion? Why not even mention the potential ramifications for the students involved?

Why all words and no action here?

Is this the one Catholic school in the entire country which will always go through a thorough investigation before passing judgement on its students?

Weak sauce. This is a poor excuse for a Catholic school.

(* disclosure: I attended a Catholic elementary school for two years and was raised Catholic; know many kids in my family and acquaintances who went to Catholic schools all the way through; I can say a lot ill about the Catholic education system, but tolerance of hatred and misbehavior at this level was heretofore not amongst my complaints)


What an exceptionally cool pic. :wink:



Well, that, and the internet are the causes. It’s easy to find a cesspool of hate with a single click.


The New Confederacy. It’s not just for the south anymore…

YOU built this, GOP. Own it.

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Giovinezza, giovinezza,
Primavera di bellezza
Per la vita, nell’asprezza
Il tuo canto squilla e va!

They just believe in the rule of law and sovereignty over our borders

Hitler Youth Camp

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Proving once again that the apple doesn’t fall far from the Trump (real name Donald Drumf) supporter tree.

Hey Chief Justice Roberts - is this what you meant by post-racial America when you and Scalia and Alito and Thomas and Kennedy began to gut the voting rights act!

The whole world has been watching Emerica the last 20 years as the Republicans take us backwards and they are clearly moving away from our style of Democracy and for good reason - we are becoming a Republican fascist country.

The only way a Democracy thrives and survives is through EQUALITY! That is the virtue that makes Democracies so great…but things haven’t been great in the US since Ronald Reagan began the inequality movement.

And there you go, more proof that the GOP is basically a high school club. Add this classless exhibition to their reverence toward the Gospel of St. Ayn (Rand), totally junior high/high school sci-fi level “classics” and the picture becomes all the clearer. And we all know how bad high school was for most (and who peaked there): there you have it friends, the modern republican party, dude!

Hying said the incident is under investigation.

I sure hope so. High schoolers do stupid stuff, but this isn’t stupid, it’s racist. Every student that was involved, and their parents, needs to be educated on what racism is, how hate speech disintigrates a community and in my view the kids shouldn’t be punished, but instead should do community service work in and with minority organizations and if at least one of their parents is required to participate, all the better.

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These days, thanks to white flight, charter and magnet schools, and other factors, public schools are becoming far less integrated in much of the country than they were, say, thirty years ago. Somehow I don’t think that’s going to help enlighten folks either.