Discussion: Harry Reid Endorses Hillary Clinton

Tiaras are for Hillary. In a few years we will have to get one for Chelsea, though.

That must be why Democrats run the Senate and the House of Representatives. Wait a minute . . .


There isn’t going to be a coronation.
There was never going to be a coronation.

Hillary has fought hard for the nomination, and she has about an 85% chance of getting the nomination.
She’ll then work hard to win the election—which she will do.

Your hatred and bitterness are both pitiful and hilarious.


I came into this campaign dreading a Clinton coronation. When I see the alternatives, though, I have come to realize that Clinton is the only person left capable of doing the job.

Bernie Sanders, frankly, is unelectable. If you read up on his background you will see that he was a complete deadbeat for the first two decades of his adult life. He was a classic 60’s freeloader who never held a steady job until he was elected mayor. He was such a mooch that when his power was shut off, something that apparently happened a lot, he simply tapped into his neighbor’s outlet and poached electricity. And this was when he was in his mid 30’s.

For being such a champion of the working man, Bernie Sanders had a strong aversion to work. He screed “The Revolution is Life Versus Death” sums up his too cool for work attitude well. And keep in mind he wrote this a couple months after becoming a father. Instead of getting a job to provide for his family, this irresponsible, self-centered twit chose to mock working folks and looked for ways to scam the system.

Bernie’s past is a complete insult to anyone who has ever worked for a living. No matter what he has accomplished since entering public office, his life choices up to middle age will disqualify him in the minds of the vast majority of the population.


I looked at the spectacle of Trump “prosecuting” Hillary (the “interview” by that parasite Hannity) and when I see the anti-Hillary venom here and wonder what country these people are in.

Because the one I happen to be in is under siege from its own “will of the (Wing Nut) people”, aided by a pro-GOP MSM.

I saw some “factoid” that twenty-something percent of GOPers polled that they would NEVER vote for Trump. Does anybody really believe that for the General? If ANY political party ever needed “all hands on deck” it’s the Democrats.

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I was thinking of wearing something slightly inappropriate to the inauguration – you know, something a little too young for me.

I’m going to work that red carpet!


I’d love to know what the weather is like in la-la-land. By that logic Kerry should have creamed Bush. A draft dodging, mediocre C student with no accomplishments to his name aside from those given to him on a silver platter by his parents. I’m not even going to talk about the fact that you decided to go back 4 decades to try to make a point.
But no, keep talking, this is entertaining.

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Some shocking revelations there. I will have to look into them…

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Thanks avs, I didn’t want to, you know, waste even 30 seconds in response. There’s no convincing Jesus that Bernie isn’t a “Red Doper Diaper Baby” (Michael Savage).

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Shocking indeed! :worried:

And yet, Bernie is exponentially better than Every. Single. Passenger. In. The. Klown. Kar.

Randy doin’ the Cat Walk! Nooo, say it ain’t so!

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No accomplishments? I guess you’re with the Swift Boaters, then.

Kerry was a highly decorated Vietnam War veteran–and if you think that wasn’t “work” I don’t know what is.

He went to law school (as I understand it, Bernie has only a bachelor’s degree in political science) and then a district attorney, while working for advocacy programs (CARE and Mass Action).

Then he was Lt. Gov. of Massachusetts and ultimately a Senator. Your remarks are entirely asinine and deeply wrong.


The weather is very nice here. Thanks for asking.

Bernie Sanders was irresponsible long after college. He was near 40 years old and still living the life of a slug. Huge difference. The first wave of attack ads pointing out Sanders past will be devastating.

I told five Sanders supporters the fact that he didn’t collect his first steady paycheck until he was 39. And that he poached electricity from his neighbor. To a person they all declared they could no longer support him. If Sanders is going to be considered a viable candidate, he needs to be vetted. Otherwise, people will be in for a rude awakening.


There is nothing in the world Hillary can do to cover up her litany of poor decisions, obfuscations and outright lies. The vast majority of Americans are sick and tired of Establishment candidates. This is why she failed the last time we were told of her inevitable coronation. We voted in Obama because we falsely hoped in change.

Hillary is offering zero change.

Trump and Sanders are both offering change. One of them is going to win. Whether you like it or not.

Your reliance on

[quote=“ThunderclapNewman, post:44, topic:33419”]
hatred and bitterness are both pitiful and hilarious
[/quote] wishes are Establishment cliches.


How about you actually read what I said. I was talking about Bush having no accomplishments.

I think you missed avs’ point - in response to Jesus’s post.

I realized that after I wrote. On the other hand, Bush was GOVERNOR of Texas, and apparently handled it well, though viciously, executing many death row prisoners expeditiously. He was not without accomplishments.

Hey K in VA - Hillary will need more than the Party Stalwarts if she wants to win in November. Time for some douchebags to STFU and start trying to figure out how to court those votes. Crowing and sarcasm won’t make it easier.

Reid told CNN that he called Sanders with the news about his endorsement personally. Reid said Sanders was “so magnanimous, so kind and courteous.”

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You do know that Kerry was a decorated Vietnam veteran and went on to become a prosecutor?

It’s so!

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