Discussion: Harry Reid Endorses Hillary Clinton

Another person with no reading comprehension. It all makes sense now.

I don’t hate the woman at all. Will vote for her if I have to.

The “Coronation” was just a dig to all the smug responses about Hillary’s 800th endorsement. We all go back and forth Thunder. Lighten up.

But I do think she’s a train wreck about to happen.


Being a highly paid corporate lawyer, working on the Board of Directors of Wal-Mart, being Tyson Chicken’s protector and making $MILLION$ from “speaking engagements” to America’s Elite prove -beyond a shadow of a doubt - that Hillary Clinton is the one and true representative of America’s Working Class.


I would like for someone to tell me the names of the Non-Establishment Presidents.


It would have been clearer if you used a comma instead of a period after Bush, to connect the “draft dodging” phrase to him. As you wrote it it was not entirely clear.

Two smart posters who both missed your rather clever post. Not like them. Must be a Hillary thing. It happens.

So was Rick Perry. That right there tells me how qualified you need to be.

That’s all I am interested in. The rest is friendly talk to me.


I never heard Hillary Clinton complain about the treatment of Ricky Ray Rector.


First of all, she was Arkansas’s First Lady while on the board of Walmart.

And the company was very different then when run by company founder Sam Walton. They sold a lot of American made products back then.

She pushed Walmart into promoting more women and being more environmentally responsible.

She did not make headway on unionization, but was a lone voice on that issue on the board. And Arkansas has been a Right to work state since 1947 – she knew to choose her battles carefully and not just tilt aimlessly at windmills.

Also, as Arkansas First Lady, she spearheaded a revamping of the state’s tax policies to pump more revenues into education.

She worked as an advocate for some of the most powerless people in society – women and children – and when her proposal for a national healthcare system failed in Congress, she spearheaded the Children’s Health Insurance Program which has helped millions of needy children.

She’s a very successful lawyer and had been ranked among the nation’s top 100 female attorneys – that’s a good thing and a credit to her.

She has been repeatedly ranked among the most admired women in the world and will be a tremendous role model for women and girls everywhere.

She is a sought-after speaker and donates her speaking fees to charity.


Or, you know, it could be that the Democratic voters have heard what he has to offer, and more of them prefer Hillary. Just a thought.


That would indeed be a surprise…

What a charming little fantasy world you live in.

Bernie is not going to be the nominee.
It’s not because of his ideas—some of them are very good, some are okay, and some are awful—but because the delegate math says he can’t get the required number.
And the laws of mathematics are immutable.

Hillary has a fine record of achievement.
I disagree with a number of things she’s done, and she’s not nearly as liberal/progressive as I am—and neither is Bernie, for that matter.

But Hillary represents what is possible in the current political climate, and what’s possible with her beats the living shit out of what the GOP has in store.

And the only people who ever believed there would be some “coronation” were predisposed to be against her in any event.
Smart people always knew it would be a fight for the nomination, and she’s going to be successful this time.

And your lack of political savvy shines like a beacon for all the other bitter Berniebots.


She is not responsible for what happened when she held no political office, and she is not responsible for her husband’s actions, either.

And just so you’ll know, it’s not 1992.

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But the problem is that you don’t think when it comes to Hillary.


A real advocate for children.

A real advocate for prison reform.

A voice for peace.


I don’t want to get into a Clinton vs Sanders debate. I must say, though, that I never thought I would see the day when a politician having an extremely successful career before turning 40 would be considered a bad thing.

At the same stage in his life, Sanders main accomplishment was creating this video. I challenge anyone to make it through more than five minutes of it.

Regarding this thread about Hillary getting another endorsement yet being tarred as the establishment candidate, a big reason why Clinton gets so many endorsements is because she has brought in to over $26 million to the party. Sanders, meanwhile, has raised $1,000. Is being anti-establishment really such a good thing?


I guess it really depends what your definition of “is”, err, “extremely successful career” is.

The trouble here is that the status quo we are talking about changing from is the Obama Presidency. As incremental as he may sometimes be and as frustrating as that obviously is for some of us here, I think we need to give Obama credit for saving the nation from economic near-catastrophe, restoring a rational foreign policy, and showing intelligence and decency in all dimensions of his personal and professional life.

So I would argue that continuing and expanding on that status quo isn’t such a bad thing.

We know why Trump is offering change. He has nothing but contempt for Obama and everything he’s done, and he wants to take the country in a radically different direction that I would call the old status quo — the status quo of racism, America-firstism and the arrogance of the privileged that we’ve had all too much of throughout our history.

The question is, what kind of change does Bernie want? Presumably the exact opposite of Trump. But Obama is already the opposite of Trump — just ask Trump, or any Republican. It’s why they refuse to even meet with his Supreme Court nominee. It’s why they failed to give even a single vote to the Iran nuclear deal. It’s why they’ve spent his entire term in a unified front of obstruction, and yet he’s still managed to rack up a solid record of wins, step by incremental step.

Any change from the status quo in the direction opposite to Trump would mean in the direction Obama has already set out, only a radical acceleration of that. The trouble is, the train is already on the rails and moving forward. Hillary will keep it moving forward, and speed it up if she can. Bernie seems impatient with the train’s speed and wants it to leap from the rails. Which is idealistic but foolhardy, because trains can’t fly.


[quote=“eatbees, post:80, topic:33419”]
The trouble here is that the status quo we are talking about changing from is the Obama Presidency.
[/quote] The Obama Presidency has been an extension of the status quo, that is true, and that is a bad thing.
