Discussion: Harry Reid Endorses Hillary Clinton

Discussion for article #246426

Bye, bye, Bernie.


Fivethirtyeight has the Endorsement Primary score as Clinton 473 vs Sander 3…


I will say this for Harry Reid. At least he waited til after the Caucus in his state, to avoid putting his finger on the scale. A classy move.

Not sure how much difference this makes, since a major party endorsement isn’t exactly news for the Clinton campaign.


Reid also put Nevada GOP Gov.Sandoval’s name up for vetting to replace Scalia.

Just one more Establishment player trying to secure a good seat at the Coronation.

Got a surprise for you two - ain’t happening


Sanders 3? He’s got 15 elected delegates, so that’s false. But there go Hillary supporters again, thinking that superdelegates would ignore the will of the voters and that the cheated candidate and his supporters would just fall in line and vote Clinton in the general.


that was very fair and lovely of him to wait until after his states’ caucus.

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Got news for you, sport: The Minority/Majority Leader of the Senate always has a good seat at inaugurations. The fact that you refer to a “Coronation” speaks volumes about your hate for the democratic manner in which people choose their candidate. You are spitting on people’s votes.


It’s always nice when an elected official keeps up the appearance of doing the will of his constituents.


There goes another bitter Berniebot. Can’t stand that people are choosing someone else than Bernie. Got news for you: When your candidate directly insults the vast majority of the nation’s voters by saying “You are a progressive or you are not”, he does not deserve our vote. Most people are combination of views.


"He also said that Clinton is “the woman to be the first president of the United states that’s a female.”
Thats some good editing there TPM.


Talking endorsements here, not delegates. He won his delegates fair and square. But his co-workers in Congress have not come out to recommend him.


That is true but it would have been better to wait until next round of lots of states. It would appear even more even handed after Sanders lost most of them.


Another offended Hillary Girl. I guess just the idea of a difference o f opinion is too much for you.

Watch out for condew though. He’s a revolutionary.

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You’re confusing endorsements with super delegates, but here’s a thought. How about you go to fivethirtyeight like @firewing2 mentioned and see for yourself before getting your knickers in a twist. Hell, I’ll even provide the link for you.


Classy to tell Bernie up front, too.


Also didn’t read what I wrote, I said, “Endorsement Primary”. The count of how many political endorsements the candidates had racked up… Not the same a Delegate Count, where Bernie is technically tied, if you don’t count the 430 extra superdelegates Clinton has racked up…

Also, you don’t count real well, I have 51 elected delegates for Bernie, not 15…

But you know, keep preaching brother. I’m looking forward to this “Will of the Voters” you mention… I have a feeling March 1st is gonna be a good day for my lady, but time will tell.


I want a seat at the Coronation. Can I wear a tiara?


Of course – Democratic senators, representatives, and governors (the people used in fivethirtyeight’s weighted averages) know who’s best for the party. The three reps who have endorsed Sanders are … well, look who they are.

Of course, the Sanders’s campaign and supporters will reject all these endorsements 'cause they’re coming from the people who constitute the “establishment” that those “millions and millions” of Sanders’s supporters are, I guess, going to drive from office to be replaced by … well, I don’t know.