Discussion: Harry Reid Endorses Hillary Clinton

This “will of the voters” you speak of? They do get the ability to make their voices heard (or not) on election day. Period. The superdelegates can choose how they wish to.

And when Sanders loses (and he will) then what? What excuse will you come up with then…


And here I thought the FBI had rounded up the last of that sort of “Revolutionary” a few weeks back in Oregon…


So what do endorsements get you, free coffee in the Senate cafeteria?

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I wouldn’t recommend it.

DC can get really cold in January.


And a 430 superdelegate lead at the convention…


Wow, to think I would live to see the first female woman President …

I was thinking (projecting)

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That may just be a poke in the eye of the GOP … aka, look how reasonable the Dems are. :wink:


Exactly, and this thing is increasingly looking more and more likely to be essentially over in the next two weeks. But I’m starting to think that no matter how many states HRC wins or how many state delegates she racks up, SOME Sanders voters are going to treat her nomination much the same as Republicans have treated Obama’s presidency. They’ll pretend her nomination isn’t legitimate and that somehow her voters weren’t the “right” kind of voters. It’s ridiculous and useless.



You do understand how a direct quote works, right?

Because Harry Reid’s opinion is worth a damn to the average voter?!


Let’s keep it ‘real’ folks. Bernie’s a Democratic Socialist, an Independent, an Outsider, and the ONLY time the Establishment Congresscritters even pay attention to him is when they need his vote. And he’s had the guts these past 30 years to deal with it, to understand the cowardice and duplicity of what we, in our lame attempts refer to as the Party of the People.

The Establishment will never let him in the Club. He asks all the wrong questions! And they hate him because of it.


My bad, Reid said that idiotic statement.

Yes, it’s shocking that to reach the highest political office in the land you need to… have politicians on your side.

Also, voters…


You got it. It’s this, it’s that and it’s always some reason. Although, it NEVER seems to occur to any of the Berniacs why the “political revolution” can’t happen without him being in the WH. That it hasn’t happened up until now doesn’t seem to be taken into consideration…


So tell me, how many politicians did Obama have on his side when campaigning against HRC for the nomination?

Voters will be there. Remember where he was 9 months ago and where is is today. Why is that?


I guess Trump didn’t get that memo. You also don’t seem to understand that to people that don’t particularly like Hillary the endorsement of the party elite makes her seem worse, not better. In Reid’s case, we’re talking about a guy so weak he had to fight just to keep his seat from totally crazy Sharron Angle.


Please stop. We all seem to be basically on the same side here. And if, in November, it comes down to Trump or somebody else, can I count on you?

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The Establishment Speaks. Get in line, followers.

I think Bernie Sanders is a very good man and I hope the Democratic Party tries to incorporate some of what he is espousing. I just want someone in the office that’s a little less quixotic. I really don’t see this as rejecting Bernie Sanders or what he stands for. For me, I just think Hillary Clinton is a better candidate with a more practical approach and I’m trying not to be angry if others don’t feel the same as I do. On the Kübler-Ross scale, I’m reaching for acceptance. But, boy howdy, did I have to go through a lot of other emotions to get here.