I was thinking deer in the headlights…
That is sort of a flip. Wonder what he caught on the wind.
That was weird, I saw the name Gowdy and flashed on “agony of defeat”…
busy, busy, busy…
It does sound like the same guy from this morning. That is why I am befuddled.
“Gowdy, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told “Fox News Sunday.” “It’s kind of ironic that the people charged with investigating the law and the violations of the law would violate the law.”
Some media person with a pulse should have responded to that statement with “I have two words for you: Devin, Nunes.”
guy who cut his hand off with a jack knife up a rock chimney?
and you can see how sober and responsible being drug-free has made him. and you can see how honest and straight religion has made Pence because surely he would never tolerate lying and cheating in any form
I do not trust people who don’t do anything - smoke cigarettes, drink or do recreational drugs.
There’s something up with them.
Now I’ll get screamed at by every sober person on this board.
T - we love you too much to scream at you. but yeah, we’re strictly from squaresville AND democrats, so “that dog won’t hunt” - to quote phony good ol’ boy Dr. Phil
O I knew it wouldn’t. hahahahahahahaha
How about I don’t trust people who won’t admit to doing anything? I mean, Donald Trump had one hell of a post nasal drip going during at least one of the debates. leading Howard Dean, a doctor, to say he thought the guy acted like he was coked up. Plus wasnt he a regular at Studio 54, where everyone was on something.
Ok. That’s much much better. Thank you for that.
Here’s the dream I had this morning - some might call it a wish, a hope, a pipe-dream (there have been times in life when hash pipes were involved), a crazy never-gonna-happen thought. Mueller comes out of the box strong. The indictments are against Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and Junior. They include several ancillary charges against each and a conspiracy to commit treason charge against all of them - OK, maybe a conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws - and…Trump, the so-called president, is named as an unindicted co-conspirator. That’s it, a dream. But, damn, that would be sweet.
But Gowdy has bought into the full on Republican attack on the Steele dossier and everything associated with it, so I’d say, be careful.
I’m pretty surprised by Gowdy’s statement, considering his past antics. I agree with others that it indicates he either knows what’s coming or strongly suspects it, and his prosecutorial background means he understands what the impact will be far better than the lunatics on Fox.
And I swear to God he has the worst haircut of anybody in public life, including Trump. Dude just does not have the noggin for his high-and-tight haircut.
I dunno. Viewed one way, he just threw all the Benghazi investigation under the bus.
And he didn’t mention 'Special Counsel" investigations.
I think it might mean he has given testimony to the special counsel’s investigation and he needs it to be seen in the light of "good for 'merika.
I’d say it’s 50/50 and that’s bad enough; it shouldn’t be this close.
Mueller’s investigation has been incredibly close-mouthed (which is one of the things that terrifies the white house and the rest of the GOP). If Mueller were fired, I would expect his subordinates and associates to change that stance. And it is likely that some of them have already prepared off-site backups. But whether the GOP does anything depends entirely on their beliefs about the 2018 elections.
Probably but if they really weigh their chances they should be able to see that Pence would likely get them further.
I may be on my own in this but I think Mueller might be behind this leak - it does get interesting when you turn on the light in the kitchen at midnight.