Discussion: Gowdy: Republican Lawmakers Should Let Mueller 'Do His Job'

If I were in tinfoil mode and thought Mueller did the leak, I might think that he had taps or pen registers going on a bunch of people’s phones and wanted to confirm some hypotheses about links.

I do not trust people who don’t do anything - smoke cigarettes, drink or do recreational drugs.

I instinctively share your suspicions, but my wife doesn’t smoke, do drugs, and just barely “drinks”—I’ve finished 95% of the cocktails she’s ever started—and in spite of those character defects she’s far saner than most people I know.

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Trey’s finally been twisted one too many times in the pencil sharpener …

A pencil that’s too sharp … always breaks —

Ha! Imagine having to look at that guy every day in any kind of position of power? Ick! The photo that accompanied this article was bad enough in that regard.

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I’m with you and not with the other responders. Cripes!

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I know it’s petty, but he is one gross-looking man.


Cui Bono … who benefits. Democrats may benefit but their bias towards good governance will always put them at a disadvantage. This vulture believes he will get the choicest bits of the carrion and who knows … maybe he will.

It’s not about that. It’s about looking up in the sky, seeing the shitstorm clouds gathering and running under the nearest awning. That would be the diminishing group of Republicans he’s talking about, the ones with the minimal common sense it takes to get under shelter before the clouds part with a fart of thunder and the shit comes splattering down.


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Republican lawmakers should let Mueller do his job? I’m sorry, but I wasn’t aware the Special Counsel served at the leisure of House Republicans.

“Eh - he’s an opportunist.”

This is most certainly true.

Related: HLN has a long running show called Forensic Files. Gowdy, in his former guise as a prosecuting attorney, appears in many episodes. He was already working on his smarmy, weasely ways way back then.


BTW–Like the new avatar.


It must nearly have killed the Elvenking to say this, but he’s going to make everyone forget Benghazi come hell or high water.

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Also, “… because I’m sure as heck not going to do mine, which is to impeach the criminal POtuS.”

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