Discussion: GOP Rep Likens FBI Probe Of Trump To A 'Coup': 'Absolutely Disgraceful'

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Jonney_5 it’s Fox, 'nough said.

How is this moron still in office?? He’s been an utter embarrassment for years, even decades it seems. I can’t believe how often he spouts off. Didn’t he used to have a reputation as some kind of “moderate”? What a joke.


He looks and sounds like Sean Hannity’s crazy uncle.


Having a Russian asset in the White House is kinda more like a coup, n’est-ce pas?


"The reason President Trump fired Comey was Comey refused to say that publicly, that the President was not under investigation.” — Peter King

vs. fake reasons!:

"“When I decided to just do it I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.’” — Captain Tribble-Head, to Lester Holt (and a few million other people)


And then King introduced legislation that would prevent the FBI from investigating any future actual or potential transgressions by any government officer or employee that works out of the West Wing. The only exception being if it is suspected that the subject of the investigation was born in Kenya.

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Have fun in the minority on that committee, asshole.


It’s tiring to have to listen to these Long Island rightwing dickheads. The median household income in his district is $82,000 a year. The economic opportunities of New York City are 45 minutes away by train. Average home value exceeds $400,000. Whenever people float the ‘economic despair’ theory of Trump’s popularity, I ask them to explain NY District 2, which happens to be 75% white. Dems need to redistrict this dickhead out of existence. Pack all the racists and authoritarians into one district in eastern Long Island. They’re horribly overrepresented.


This is a new cover up reason for why Comey was fired. Trump never said he fired Comey for refusing to say the President was not under investigation.

Trump got CIA, DNS and others to say “Trump himself is not currently under investigation.” Way before anything was known.

Also, for decades after Watergate and Nixon’s resignation, hard core Rat Fucker Dirty Tricks Republicans like Roger Stone and G.Gordon Liddy have been whining that Nixon was the victim of a coup. The fucking people who engineered the military coup in Chile that disappeared, tortured and killed thousands of civilians is going around acting like investigating a crooked Republican President is some frustration of the majority of American voters.


That’s exactly right.


I’ve lived all my life in the NY area, and this district is all about white rage. It’s where the Archie Bunkers moved when Queens became too “diverse.” They’re all about angry, misogynist Irish/Italian Catholic working class culture, and they fume and snarl because it is dying away. Economic insecurity has very little to do with it.


King is the same scum bag who loves to claim we should not negotiate with terrorists; he’s infamously cozy with and supportive of the IRA (terrorist org in Ireland). Here’s a link to a WaPo story about his shameless hypocrisy and blind allegiance to an overtly terrorist group:


I also think this is not the hill that King wants to plant his flag on. While he can count on the support of the Mudoch Post, he only won his race by 6% this year (47 to 53%) and did so without being targetted. Given how close the race is, I would expect the D’s to target him in 2020. I would not want to be part of the Trump-Russia-King conspiracy were I King.


Sir, you have no idea what a coup looks like as there has never been one in the history of this nation.

Keep it up, and that may change.


I think this comment from King can best be described as projection.

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x 10,000

I’m sure he and Rudy have friends in common in the rogue faction of the New York FBI office. King knows he’s standing up a Russian agent. He’s a colluding traitor enabler at best, in addition to being the poster old for racist, sexist, homophobic and Islamophobic Long Island geriatric Archie Bunker motherfuckers.


But the Fux News buttheads will eat it up.

I remember a time when a President feeling the necessity of denying being a Russian agent was unthinkable. That we all feel the need for such a denial now (truthful or not) is insane.

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