Discussion: GOP Rep Likens FBI Probe Of Trump To A 'Coup': 'Absolutely Disgraceful'

So the campaign manager, the deputy campaign manager, the foreign policy adviser/coffee boy, and the lawyer/fixer/outside advisor are all in or headed to jail and that’s a coup to Peter King. Well in a sense, to have nailed that many folks in 1 organization is a coup, but in the praiseworthy sense of the term for a job well done by the Special Counsel and his team of investigators and attorneys plus the attorneys of the SDNY.


Dear GOP apologist,
The “coup” is coming from in your house.
In other words, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and is the same color as a duck’s bill… it’s a duck.

Tired of treasonous fucks


There’s that word, “disgraceful”, again. Seems to be the most damning adjective that Goopers, including Dotard, believe is OK to say in public. Feel sorry for them. We can say that the behavior of most Goopers is just Fucking Stupid.


And, not to mention the day after Comey’s firing he was busy hosting his Russians-only wing-ding in the Oval Office and telling Lavrov and Kislyak–when wasn’t busy spilling sensitive intelligence to them-- he fired Comey because he was “crazy, a nut-job” and by doing so he took pressure off himself.


Amazing how easy it is to get these conservative patriots to turn on the FBI, CIA.
Scares the hell out of me.


Yes I know - he was bragging about firing him to the Russians.


I had to fire my brother from a job once. Back about 40 years ago. He should have known better than to drive all over town in the company van with a big dildo sticking out of the grill. Geez…

He found Jesus later. For awhile. I’d like to think the dildo incident was the impetus, but it was probably to get in Carol’s pants actually.

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A coup is projection by Republicans. They control much of government despite representing only a minority of Americans, and while continuing to suppress votes from certain classes of Americans. Not to mention stolen Presidential elections in 2000 and 2016 and a stolen SCOTUS seat.




True they wouldn’t know BS if the administration called in and spoon fed it to them…

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He’s been in congress since the early 90’s and the fairly liberal to moderate Newsday still endorsed him. If there is one thing that keeps him in office is the ability to steer federal funds into his district and support the Zadroga act. Granted the demographics of his district might be changing though many of us call it Buttafuocoville.


It’s the “took pressure off of me on this Russher thing” part that was the most galling, like he was/is a “confidential informant” trying to reassure his handlers that that chief “bad guy” who thought he was “a rat” had been taken out, so don’t worry.

And doing this in the Oval Office as President of the United States! And Shit-fer-Brains Peter King is A-OK with this. ESAD “Pete,” you are as much a traitor as t-Rump is.

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Lest we forget…King was a leading promoter of the “Uranium One” nonsense

The “economic anxiety” goes about like this…“Some woman and/or brown person somewhere is getting something I feel should rightfully be mine.”


Yeah essentially it makes no difference what the fuckwit says. A large majority of Americans are not fooled - they know the president is in bed with Putin. I think I just saw 62% as the number who believe Trump is tied to Russia.




Know what else he thought was disgraceful?


Thank you, everybody. mattinpa will be here all week.


You think that was disgraceful, just wait til Mueller-time.


One of the things I’m encouraged by is the stuff said by King, Graham, Cruz, Paul and others is recycled from last year but it has much less conviction, force or verve to it. It reminds me so much of the Iraq war debate where each year the Bushies would say the same stupid things, but the energy level was lower, and you could tell that they were struggling with the consequences of what they had done. I traveled a lot back in those days and I don’t know how many GOPers would come up to me and engage to try to make sense of whether they had done the right thing when the US invaded Iraq. They were talking as much about their own judgment of the matter as much as Bush’s. I somehow found that a helpful if not hopeful sign.

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