Discussion: Fox Guest Stuns Hannity: Obama's Crusades Remarks Were 'Verbal Rape' (VIDEO)

NOBODY plays the victim card faster, louder, or more often than Christian rightwingers.
Where are all the lions when we really need them?

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He used the c-word in response to a something I posted a while back and I asked him directly and specifically to not use this in response to me. I too am opposed to word police but he seems to go out of his way to be creative in his posts with references to genitalia and masturbation and other creative vulgarities. Iā€™ll continue to scroll past when I see him approaching. Janis Iā€™m sure would be screeching with delight, however.


How is it that Hannity doesnā€™t know that all Europe was NOT overrun by Muslims? Paris?

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Dear Public Figures,

No mater how ā€œbadā€ something may seem to you, resist the temptation to compare it to:

  1. Rape;
  2. Slavery;
  3. The Holocaust.

Youā€™re Welcome!


Not sure I really understand the point of some here. The notion of the word as a ā€˜genderless insultā€™ in Britain just does not wash. Where I grew up in Oklahoma the term was a highly offensive term directed at women, it was no genderless insult. The term ā€˜fannyā€™ is harmless here in America, however when I lived in Britain I quickly discovered it was an obscene term for female genitalia. I did not continue to use the word in England just because it was a ā€œgenderless insultā€ here.

In that case your grudge is completely understandable. Thatā€™s the nuclear option of swear words when itā€™s aimed at a female. Someone used it on JJ here a few commenting systems ago and it pissed me off so bad I was shaking. I think because thereā€™s no good come back. Itā€™s fundamentally unfair.

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I donā€™t use it either but not because I think itā€™s insulting to women.

The shittiest Catholic on tv, that one is. Hellbound for sure.

I had the displeasure of seeing Hannity on two of the many televisions at the gym last night, though I missed the ā€œverbal rapeā€ part.

I did see the part where he huffed and puffed about the lies of Brian Williams and Hillary Clinton, which made me wonder: did Hannity ever make good on his promise to be waterboarded for charity? Perhaps that mendacious asshole should keep his mouth shut.


Iā€™ll second that jw1.


I know, right? Itā€™s like everything they donā€™t like is rape, but actual real-world non-consensual-sex rape isnā€™t really rape.


I think theyā€™ve lost any relation to scale or levels with recent attempts at derp. it has to be intentional. Itā€™s like this lady has gone off some strong medication and removed any sense of proportion (shakes head).
Itā€™s stunning really. And completely understandable that Hannity, even, would be shocked. Heā€™s got some whacked views but not like this.

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There was a flim dealing with the African American Congressman Adam Clayton Powell which came out a few years back. Harry Lennix played the Congressman.

There was a clip in the film in which Powell, well aware that his very presence rubbed people the wrong way, made it a point to follow those most disturbed by this presence around the Chambers, as they jumped out of their seats when he seated himself beside them.

It got so that he would turn to the bigot, smile, wink, jump up and follow.

All around the Chambers.

Eventually, other Congressmen would notice (some would wake up) and grin at the show.

I do not know anything about Mr. Obamaā€™s personality other than what everyone else here knows. But I DO know that, like slaves, like freedmen, like the survivors of Jim Crow and like those schooled at the feet of Civil Rights icons, he is following in a long tradition.

Especially when one is a Counterpuncher.


Hannity has yet to be waterboarded and Rush Limbaugh has yet to move to Costa Rica as he said he would if Obama were elected. For both the lure of money is too strong and trumps their threats.


Well, letā€™s assume for the sake of argument that discussing historical facts is ā€œverbal rape.ā€ Still, ā€œverbal rapeā€ is infinitely preferable to Christian genocide and Christian terrorism.

ā€œThose who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.ā€ ā€“ George Santayana

Doesnā€™t Skull#ucked more accurately describe this event?

This reminds me of the Faux outrage over Obamaā€™s ā€œGod & Gunsā€ speech. Itā€™s all the same playbook. Iā€™m sure they are thrilled to have an African American liar for a paycheck to spew incendiary crap so they can backpeddle it to look reasonable. FAIL

And Starā€¦you ainā€™t.

For some of us the Crusades never ended. Dude.

I would like to thank this woman for clarifying what ā€œrapeā€ is. Now I know that hearing someone say something about your mutual religion you donā€™t like is the exact same thing as having your body penetrated against your will. Perhaps if she had elected to sleep through the speech it would have been okay, because, as we know, if sheā€™s asleep, then itā€™s not rape.

Well, you will. But not on the radio or tv. Itā€™s considered a ā€œrudeā€ word. So, it does bother some people.