Discussion: Fox Guest Stuns Hannity: Obama's Crusades Remarks Were 'Verbal Rape' (VIDEO)

I had an 8 year old Brit call me out for using the word “bloody” once. He said “I don’t mind that kind of language but we don’t talk that way around sissy.”

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“verbal rape”

Oh, the humanity!

Hey, Brendan,

Who is “Gerlado Rivera”? Someone we should all be familiar with?

Star getting a taste of her own,& other religious loons,medicine?The Muslim community is disparaged daily by these freaks.The President was spot on with his comments.If she’s so offended by the truth of her religion,it’s just proof of how thin skinned she is.My religion is better than your religion…nanananana

Smashing reply, dearest Plucky!

In no particular order… Bristol, Track, Trig, Willow, and Piper.

Yup, Star gets trotted out from time to time to be the ‘black’ spokesperson adding some measure of authenticity. Too bad she’s just as incoherent as most of the regular crew.

Republicans are forgetting their sensitivity training. Certain words are off the analogy table. When you compare something anything with the Holocaust, Nazis, Hitler or rape you minimize the horrors of the Holocaust, Nazis, Hitler and rape. Unless you are a victim of one of those things, do not presume to compare these to something so trivial as someone else’s spoken words.

Pretty soon they may even go so far as to show pictures of him in Muslim garb and start questioning his birth certificate and accuse him of being a foreigner who pals around with terrorists and attends anti-American church services and wears mom jeans. I mean, if there’s one “in” the right may have to convince the country that Obama doesn’t deserve the Presidency, it’s to definitely paint him as un-American and up until now they have not at all had any opportunity to do that. Now he’s toast! Next election this speech is gonna haunt him! He’s about to become a one-termer! Oh…wait…

Seriously though, the only reason anybody is even talking about this is precisely because Fox News seized on it as red meat for the numbskulls who watch that network. If you had watched Obama’s speech, and nobody told you that you were supposed to be outraged about it, you probably would have hardly noticed. This is how Fox News works. It’s called “fake outrage”.

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“Legitimate” verbal rape?

Hannity was probably just pissed that he didn’t think of it first.