Discussion: Fox Guest Stuns Hannity: Obama's Crusades Remarks Were 'Verbal Rape' (VIDEO)

I don’t think he reads his replies because he’s been corrected at least a dozen times.


I noticed that and wondered what was up. It makes sense now.


He must have heard Eric Boling say that…or some other ignorant Fox talker. It’s a r-w talking point.



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I’d flag his comments, but there isn’t a category for “posting factually incorrect statements”.


Disclaimer, I’m a white mid 50’s male.

Interesting how if a guy had made the comments and someone, even a woman, called him a dick, a vulgar term for male genitals, I bet almost no one would have complained.

I realize women have been, and continue to be, discriminated against more by men. And I understand the derogatory terms, especially which refer to genitals, is a kind of continuation of that discrimination against all women, not just the one making stupid comments.

This is a lot like only black people can use the term n____r against other blacks.

Part of me wonders if there are acceptable, derogatory terms white males can use against non-male non-whites?

Or, although less fun, should we all just quit making derogatory names for people and just attack the ideas we don’t like?

I sure hate to give up my username though!

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Star Parker is a far-right-wing columnist, and founded and runs “CURE”—The Center for Urban Renewal and Education—which is a 501©3 “think tank” typical of the right-wing grifter class to which Parker belongs.

She’s been promoted by Limbaugh, Robison, Newsmax, James Dobson, WorldNutDaily, and other assorted RWNJs.

She’s a terrible writer, and what passes for “thinking” from her is about the same as you’d get from a delirious third-grader with a high fever.

She’s as repulsive as it is possible to be.


Is there a category for “Repeatedly posting factually incorrect statements” ?


Nicely summarized Randy.
Had this been the lead post-- we could likely have closed the thread early.



Absolutely… she’s a case in point!

Like mouth fucking, aka oral sex? isn’t that the Republicant favorite “position”?

And I’m absolutely not accepting that inSannity was surprised. Scripted shows and all. It’s ALL fabrication and acting.

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Dick is also an abbreviation for Richard, and someone I love has that name so it’s cool for me. But this guy unvaryingly uses female genitalia and so many more creative vulgarities, yet he’s an attorney who you’d think grown a brain in law school.

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The British word “twat” (with a short a) is a genderless insult. I think intention should count. Sniffit didn’t intend to denigrate women or he would have used the c-word. We just had a huge discussion in the Hive about the adverse effects of word-policing and I’m opposed. Besides, I like your username.


Call me when one of Hannity’s guest isn’t insane. That would be a real shocker.


repubs really cannot handle the truth. That much is not debatable.

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No. Unfortunately.

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Hannity was shocked, then said “you don’t mind if I use that, do you?”


Wow. A dimly-lit Star, indeed. Insignificant, yet super-dense. Of no magnitude whatsoever.

“Stupid is as stupid does.”


Dear Star: Enclosed please find a link to dictionary.com. There you will find a perfectly serviceable definition of the word “rape” and you will further find that you have completely misused this term. As a further conclusion, you are a fundamentally stupid person, and I refuse to listen to your crap. Piss off, you god-botherer.


Well thank god Ms. Parker that you live in a country where you can still get an ear abortion for instances of “verbal rape”.

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