Discussion: Fox Guest Stuns Hannity: Obama's Crusades Remarks Were 'Verbal Rape' (VIDEO)


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To be fair, she was asking for it.


I don’t think that was Talledega – that was Titmouse.


Don’t worry, if it’s legitimate the brain has ways of shutting itself down…


A HUGE opportunity that no one, outside of the far right and left wing media sites that make fun of the far right, is even listening to? Even my parents, who both read the newspaper and watch the news every evening, hadn’t heard about this dust up. Do you really think the vast majority of American voters know or even care what the president said at the National Prayer Breakfast? Shoot, I just took a look at NBC, CBS, and ABC’s news sites. There’s not a word about the Prayer Breakfast. Know why? Because nobody gives a shit.

Yes, because factual comments made at a two year old prayer breakfast by the previous president is absolutely going to turn the election.


And they still think BHO is running for a third term…


I was thinking Sturgis would be a good name.


Rather shreds the red-herring nicely.



Star must have been thinking about the previous president’s verbal and geopolitical raping.


Go read Obama’s speech. He said noting of the sort the fringe thinks he did. He could say “Isn’t it a lovely day?” (As the sheriff did in Blazing Saddles) and the response would be “Up yers Ni(CLANG!)”
Short version: the RWNJ’s live in an alternate universe and they make shit up.


FFS @RichardinJax you’re essentially arguing Star Parker’s point. You’re saying this Christian extremist whack job and others like her should be accommodated.


And the Democrats will suffer in 2016!!![quote=“denisj, post:32, topic:16596, full:true”]
Again, did you read or listen to speech in it’s entirety?

Based on his dodging and avoiding your post, I’m gonna guess the answer is no.
You’d think with him being so outraged over Pres. Obama’s remarks, he’d at least take a few minutes and listen to the speech in it’s entirety. Goodness knows he/she has enough time to do so based on the numerous comments he’s posted over this issue the past few days. It’s been visual rape-y.

As for this Star individual, I will never ever forget the first time I saw her and listened to her views. She was a guest host on The View and - there is no words to describe how crazy she came off. Apparently she’s had a lot of abortions and was very promiscuous, became born-again and is now spending the remaining part of her life railing for anti-choice and is the leader of the Morality Police. A real piece of work, this one. I’m not surprised at her over-the-top statement. And not surprised she was on Hannity’s show to promote it, it’s why they invited her in the first place.


Because of the motorcycle rally? I think the cyclists are trying to move away from the old, Palinesque, stereotypes.

By the way, you came to mind yesterday when I was listening to a podcast of an old Canadian radio horror show. In the credits, they mentioned an actor named Allen Doremus, followed shortly by a sound engineer with the last name Jessup (spelling uncertain, as the written credits I can find list only the actors). I was not aware of the literary Doremus Jessup, and had not encountered the name anywhere but here, so it caught my ear.

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Wait…I’m saying what I see as THEIR tactic. I did not say I liked it or support it. But i do see it developing as THEIR tactic… I think the guest Hannity had on is a whack job as is Hannity himself… If i point out something I see it does not mean I support it.

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(Parodying the popular Captain Morgan Rum TV commercial:)
He’s got some David Farrar in 'im!



Agree, and the lengths to which they will go only exposes the extent of their extremism and desperation.

What the president spoke about was the danger of religious pride and certainty which encourages fanaticism, the need for humility before what are essentially unknowable mysteries, and the need for a healthy dose of doubt and skepticism to combat the types of zealotry which enables cruelty.

What is missing from the outraged is a sense of compassion, humility, empathy and love. And the fear of God.


Mmmm…shredded red-herring.



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Sorry, I intended to reply to Richard but accidentally replied to you. Maybe I messed up because I’m still laughing about Talladega.

Edit to add: I agree with your original point, darr. They’ve taken the derp to whole new level.


The Crusades started less than 1000 years ago. Stop spreading the “1500 years ago” nonsense.