Discussion: Fox Guest Stuns Hannity: Obama's Crusades Remarks Were 'Verbal Rape' (VIDEO)

Didn’t realize what I wandered into. Thanks.


There was most certainly a need for them. Perhaps he didn’t choose the words that make it clear to those so willing to condemn, however, no murdering psychopath who claims justification by their faith should be afforded that false rationale, be they Muslim, Christian, Jew, or whatever.

EDIT (since my question was answered subsequently)

So, because teabaggers and nuance are incompatible, Obama should only use dumbed-down speech deemed politically correct in the eyes of lunatics?

I think the point is, it’s difficult for anyone, Obama included, to speak like an adult with so many children in the room. On that we agree. But where I may differ is that I don’t therefore think he should refrain from elevating the discourse.


You mean they believe that we should take care of the poor first of all, that a constant focus on material possessions is mistaken at best and a cardinal sin at worst, and that we should pay taxes cheerfully because money is, after all, a transitory secular thing?

Oh, wait. Nevermind.


Trolling can sometimes run headlong into facts.


There are certain personalities over on the dark side (Fox News) who would dispute that any person was ever in all of history ever killed anyone even one time in the name of the Christian religion (Eric Bolling on Fox for example said as much not two days ago).


If you hear some of the comments (from, say, FOX NEWS’ Eric “The Boob on the Ground” Bolling ) many appear not to know anything about this, and your own dating of the crusades raises doubts about your own knowledge, The first crusade was 1096 -1099, followed by several up to around 1300 (and even some later) How can that ever be “1500 years ago” ?


They are owned by the entertainment arm of FOX for a good reason.

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There’s no doubt.
There’s no knowledge.


As a male, I’d call her a dick.

The female anatomical equivalents have a history of use that would distract from my message.


Ugg. How are you? You have been sorely missed? Welcome back


My reaction exactly

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Oh, but Ms. Star, it was “legitimate” verbal rape!

Haven’t been on the same thread with you in a while, my friend. Buenos Dias.

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OMG. I thought I had missed one


Buenos Dias amigo. Se le ha perdido


We can always count on Matt In Pa for a thoughtful respectful comment.



Next thing you know, he’s going to be talking about sh*t like “gravity” and “air” and the Earth being round, and then, you know, he’ll just deserve whatever he gets.


Won’t they be happy when the Pope tells them exactly that.


I used to make the argument that paying attention to Fox News served some value, because we all have coworkers, friends and family that repeat this stuff and it served as a warning to the crazy garbage you were going to have to hear over the holidays or from that creepy asshole that likes to hover over you at the office and talk about his godawful politics. And there was also a time when Fox was a bit more subtle and it seemed worthwhile to point out the bias. Before it, the idea of a national, well-funded cable station emerging with such bias and the kind of stuff that used to be relegated to AM radio and shitty PBS basement broadcasts in the 80s and 90s was a bit alarming, and some of the shock of that still echoes today.

But yeah, I’m starting to feel a little silly being outraged at some of this stuff now. It’s just become so fake. In 10 minutes of any Hannity segment you can probably point out an example of every single logical fallacy in the book, along with maybe a few outright lies. It’s become the Weekly World News of the cable TV universe.