Discussion: Fox Guest Stuns Hannity: Obama's Crusades Remarks Were 'Verbal Rape' (VIDEO)

Here are some other things Obama should avoid doing, lest the wingers get all frothy:

  1. Breathing
  2. Being president
  3. Opening his mouth

I’m sure there are others.


In the United Kingdom where they speak the King’s english you’ll hear the word “twat” (with a short a) all the time and it doesn’t bother anybody.


Not sure, but she did verbally abort them.

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That’s a score Eustace (Whets finger and marks point in air)


The thing I love about Obama is that since the beginning he seemed to have a near-unique willingness to talk to the American public as if it were composed mostly of adults. A certain segment of that public, say a fifth or so, will screech in hair-on-fire outrage and run in circles at literally anything he says or does. But a majority of the public presumably likes it, since they voted for him twice. If his legacy is a slow dawning on politicians that you can talk sense to Americans and remain a viable candidate, that just might be his greatest accomplishment.


Right wingers really, really have a problem with this “rape” thing, even women.

More importantly, there is a concerted effort to purposefully misconstrue the President’s statement. Thom Hartmann said it best: the point is that bad actors are giving the imprimatur of religion to their bloody escapades, and we should not give them the support they crave by reaffirming that.

To call ISIL “Muslim extremists” is precisely what they want… they motivate others by religious affinity, and we must do all we can to sever that alleged relationship and characterize them as far distinct from the true faith, as we should draw a distinction between Eric Robert Rudolph and Christianity. These people share a common trait: they aren’t devout, they’re murderers.


The Crusades were 1500 years ago dude. They are not relevant but here is a news flash : EVERYONE knows about them. Not just you sweetie. But we also know they are irrelevant to this modern day problem and dragging them in only gives detractors a huge detraction.

We all know about atrocity committed in the name of Christianity…we all do and don’t need enlightenment from you on it. But any one with half a brain should know the media you decry in your post is NOT going to make Obama’s point: they are going to make theirs which will synch with the GOP’s. All Obama did was hand them a HUGE opportunity to paint him as un-American and anti-Christian. And that’s all that is going to become of his idiotic comments. That’s all.

Good luck in 2016 Democrats if you think shit like this is going to work for you.

Sniffit, I think we are witnessing a new RWNJ tactic here. How far into the red zone of crazy can a comment be taken? How far does it need to go to make even Hannity question it’s veracity/logic? I am sure, based on reaction of certain of my extended family’s reactions to Hannity and Fox in general that this will be taken as verbatim TRUTH or Holy Writ at the very least.
The tactic is: take nut case comment as far into crazy as possible…make it a talking point. Repeat as often as necessary to get it accepted as truth.
That Hannity was momentarily nonplussed is a worthy pop corn moment.


Nice comment. Well-stated. (And, I hope you are right).


As it gets increasingly more difficult to keep SHOCKING your audience (even the constant ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! gets old and ignored after a while) this is where you must go. See the story of: The boy who cried Wolf


Silly things like talking Christian dogma and actual historical facts at a Christian prayer breakfast?


But if there are Obama verbal rape babies, we can’t abort them–we should just make verbal lemonade out of verbal lemons.


Dear blind christians: Not only was Obama right in calling out your own sullied hands, but Christians in fact do the same vile shit to THIS VERY DAY.

Specifically, anti-muslim violence in central Africa just LAST YEAR. Or how about the massacre in Norway in 2011 by the self-identified CHRISTIAN CRUSADER. So spare us your righteous indignation. particularly the blind fool, Richardinjax.


Your use of the word “silly” equals the idiot’s use of the word “rape” …


As several people pointed out to you yesterday, that is factually incorrect and absurd, since you’re placing the Crusades before the birth of Mohammed. Dude.


And have all these little yellow words running around? Isn’t there enough pee in the snow?

In my opinion, calling a woman a ‘twat’ is akin to calling a guy a ‘dick’. If a guy had said what this woman said, I’d have called him a dick. Because he would have been a dick. Since the person in question is a woman, calling her a ‘twat’ seems perfectly fine.


" Stuns Hannity"…LOL…Nothing stuns that son of a bitch… especially producer written comments like the one his “guest” used…

Everything you see and hear on Fox news is written and choreographed and rehearsed long before it shows on the air. It is PROPAGANDA people!!! We can’t lose sight of that!!!



Great Post. I also believe–in the immediate future–that this stance of Mr. Obama may prove to be quite palatable to those who will come out to vote in 2016.

People in the United States, because of the individualistic nature of the general culture (“to each his own”), have always been patient with this fifth of the population which screeches and rants at people like Barack Obama. It is akin to being patient with uncles, aunts, cousins and parents, many of whom are trapped in the grips of fear. The fears that FOX “news” is expert at stoking.

Right now, however, this may be the time to continue to nod and smile at Uncle Clem, as he recites the latest FOX talking points–and, on November 2016, head to the Voting Booth.


Thank you! Exactly what I thought when I read his comment.

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