Discussion: Fox Guest Stuns Hannity: Obama's Crusades Remarks Were 'Verbal Rape' (VIDEO)

I think RichardinJax was just questioning why the president would tee this up for the talk radio set.

Possibly because it will expose them for who they are, and possibly to begin a dialog. Bill Moyers, Chauncey De Vega and today, as Josh Pointed out, the new study that has just been released by the Equal Justice Initiative on terror lynchings committed by “good Christian” white people are extending the dialogue. The EJI report shows how the patterns of terror lynching frequency and geography parallel today’s instances of carrying out the Death Penalty. Mostly Black Men, mostly in the southern states.

“Letting sleeping dogs lie” is hardly ever a good concept in the search for human progress and peace.


I can see her point. When you hear something you don’t want to hear, the sound waves have penetrated your cranium against your will. I guess what I’m saying is, she verbally raped me.


Here’s the thing: If the president were to run around worrying about what these asshats are going to rip their hair out over next, he’d literally never get to talk about anything. He can’t live his life that way and he damn sure can’t run the country worrying about what will next cause another moron meltdown. He has to do and say what he thinks is right, and I’m quite certain he doesn’t have the time, desire, or inclination to give two shits about these people anymore. Good for him. With his rising approval rating, an economy that looks to be finally turning the corner, and an opposition party that somehow looks really weak despite great electoral success just 4 months ago, the right is desperate to find anything they can use to manufacture some outrage against the president. The fact that they’re now grasping at coffee stirrers is a good indication that they’ve got nothing.


I get what you are trying to say, but I think the other commenters are right about who thinks Obama has insulted their religion. I’ve read the transcript, and it is pretty clear to me that the outrage is mostly manufactured. The only honest outrage is from those who believe that America is a christian nation meant to be ruled by god’s law. May they spend their entire lives outraged.

What he said was pretty mild, and amounted to saying that defining a religion based on the most terrible acts committed in the name of that religion puts all believers in the same boat.

If you want to see some real outrage from the faithful, I think it will come when the Pope makes his visit.


His haters don’t need an excuse so he should just say what’s in his heart and mind.


They’re going to tee up DAMN NEAR ANYTHING themselves-- and often do manufacture outrage from flotsam.
What you’ve waded into is a repetitive stream of a single-themed comments over several days by RichardInJax-- that he somehow believes we need to hear once more than the previous umpteen times.

The community at-large has yawned at him several times now-- and his behavior borders on threadjacking.
This not a new trick either.



Oh, alright – but it fun ‘mind-less-ness,’ at least. I hope no one who read my post felt raped. I do not claim any spawn thereafter. Thank you.

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So does this mean that we have not yet reached Peak Crusades yet? Can’t wait until the Pope gets in on this…


Actually, no, I just can’t remember the girl’s name. Shoot, she’s got one named Bristol. Why not Talladega, Darlington, and Daytona too?


She’s in the early running for FOX Asshole of the Day!!!

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I think it is Willow, but I like Talladega better.


Me too. That’s why I went with that one.


I find it interesting that you never said you read or listened to the speech… And yes it is relevant because having knowledge of the speech through the filter of another (Fox, richadinjax, etc) is not the same as reading or listening to the original. How do you know the President teed this up for the radio idiots unless you know what he actually said. In my opinion, after reading the speech, the whole Fox, right, President Obama hater discussion is so out of context it does not even come close to what was said in the speech. For you and richardinfax to continue to challenge the President’s wisdom in giving the speech just perpetuates the lie of the afore mentioned critics.


I considered naming one of my daughters Fremont Cottonwood, but was over-ruled.


'course, y’all know what this means, right?

Crystal Wright and Stacey Dash are going to have to top this.

Pass the popcorn. The craziness is just going to grow.


You know, come to think of it, anytime any one of those folks over at Family Research Council or the likes speaks on the subject of gays, I feel kinda verbally raped. Does this count as anything like what this lady speaking of?


Road Atlanta Palin?
Nicknamed Pitstop.



Well said.


OMGosh – now that is really good. I must say, though, sounds sorta like a name the drag queens of yesteryear might consider. For a boy, I always liked Frankie Manassas. Now, you just know these two could make some really interesting movies together: “Northern Lights of the Deep South,” starring those two lovebirds, Fremont Cottonwood and Frankie Manassas!


I listened to the speech, and I certainly don’t follow FOX. Your judgments are unfair and unfounded, and run contrary to the argument you are making.