Discussion: Fox Guest Stuns Hannity: Obama's Crusades Remarks Were 'Verbal Rape' (VIDEO)

damn - you beat me by mere seconds.


Damn, that is REALLY catchy, Star. “Verbal rape,” sounds so much better than ‘bitchslap.’


Sometimes, there are no words to express how a person feels. If she was my daughter, I’d be crying. Just SMH.

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And how about you, have you actually read or listened to the speech , in it’s entirety, you feel so free to comment on?


Mine filled up years ago, during Bush II when, as Krugman’s blog pointed out this morning:

George W. Bush was universally portrayed in the press as a bluff,
honest, guy; those of us who pointed to his lies about taxes and Social
Security and suggested that these were a better guide to his character
than how he came across got nowhere until years later.

So the liars get lionized and any attempt to present factual accounts, whether about history or current affairs, is considered somehow rude or shrill, or in this case a verbal rapist.

As the old adage goes: “I used to get angry, but now, I’m just mildly amused.” Or, alternatively, the new aphorism: “No fucks left to give.”


Fox and Hannity purposely book guests that they know will say inflammatory things merely to shock and incite emotional (and irrational) responses. Then, Hannity has the audacity to pretend to be shocked by their remarks. It is not news, it is not journalism, it is not a studied discussion of issues. It is theater, raw theater, intended solely for political effect and financial gain. Oh, and it’s disgusting.


LOL. Like minds.

I am commenting on a general idea here, but yes, I am familiar with the speech, and don’t see what in my comment would lead you to suggest otherwise. My point is, it doesn’t matter what he said, or that what he said is true. Of course Christianity has a brutal history, and someone posted what one of the Jesuits wrote about that very topic either here or on another site yesterday. The right wing is waiting to pounce on anything that this president says about the military, the police, religion, and probably apple pie. It feeds them. I think RichardinJax was just questioning why the president would tee this up for the talk radio set.

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Let me ask you this. If a leader of an Islamic nation was criticizing extremism around the world, would you not find him less credible if he refused to acknowledge there have ever been any problems within his own religion? And if that’s the case, why would you find it “silly” for our own leader to acknowledge dark spots in our own history? Muslims have centuries of reasons to distrust Christians, just as Christians have reason to distrust Muslims. No progress can ever be made in healing that rift if you’re going to act as though all fault lies with the other party.


Yes. But was it “legitimate” rape?


Oh, gosh, this reminds me of some GOP crackpot from a few years back who was all pissed off at Letterman. I can’t remember exactly what he said but he made fun of one of the Palin girls and said something about hoping she didn’t get pregnant. He thought it was Bristol but it turned out to be Talladega who was 15 at the time. The woman was picketing Letterman’s show and demanding that CBS fire him. Anyway, she said, “He rapes children with his mouth”. I can’t remember if it was Stewart or Maher who filleted that woman to pieces. It was hilarious.


Hearing something I disagree with = verbal rape. The victimhood is strong in this one.



Where Hateful buzzwords are birthed-- with blessings from above.

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ROTFLMAO. Now that was the best description of how I feel

Talladega? Palin has a child named Talladega?


I wonder if she ever heard the term verbal stupidity??

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Of course, so!

OTOH, do you think it is possible this woman is just projecting her own fantasies onto this topic of conversation. Hey, we all have our own little acts we lie to play out in our heads. Girl, you dirty!


like mind-less


Exactly correct. Only the talking heads and places like TPM who need clicks and viewers. I have asked people what they thought about the Presidents speech at the prayer breakfast and even the tuned in ones, didn’t hear and didn’t care.

I actually believe the President has such disdain for the Prayer Breakfast that he did this just to (hopefully) they will do away with it


Yet another conservative who missed the recent “We’ve got to stop talking about rape.” memo. It appears to be completely impossible for them to say any sentence with the word in it and not sound like imbeciles.