Discussion: Fox Guest Stuns Hannity: Obama's Crusades Remarks Were 'Verbal Rape' (VIDEO)

Please. These people literally had the same reaction when Obama tried to get them to feed their children healthier food. It’s the same reaction they had to healthcare, to the man daring to breath in the morning. Blaming Obama for the right’s reflexive meltdown is like blaming a woman for being abused by her husband because she didn’t have dinner ready when he got home.


Ohhh its fun? Like bashing Al Gore was fun. Obama is taking huge heat all across the media for his “fun” and to b frank, my atheist ass did not see anything “fun” in those remarks. I saw them as lame and unnecessarily provocative.

Keep having “fun” and the GOP will have great fun in 2016.

Stop dropping that isht all over every thread on this topic.

Your desire to blame Obama is duly noted.


He’s not taking “huge heat” “all across the media”: he’s taking it from Fox.

Pity you think Fox is the only media out there.


Please…? Are you trying to equate a dietary mandate ( reasonable and on subject at the time ) with impugning Christianity ( at a fucking Prayer Meeting ) . You make my point. YES the GOP’ers are going to rag on everything Obama does or says but for fuck’s sake does he have to hand them such a sweet opportunity? It was stupid.

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Actually, Islam is problem, and Christianity, and any other cult that justifies, delights in stoning, dismembering, burning, killing men, women, children of other tribes just because they don’t believe your myths.


What the hell is “verbal rape” anyway? You couldn’t come up with something so insane if your life depended on it.


Again, did you read or listen to speech in it’s entirety?


There are about 350 million people in America. Fox ‘News’ Channel’s most popular program draws ~2 million old, white and unemployed male viewers sitting around the house all day screaming at the TV.

2 million viewers out of 350 million- less than 0.5% of America’s population.

So who cares what Fox or their audience is babbling on about??? They are not a responsible news organization with journalists- they’re an entertainment factory whose ‘hosts’ are paid to spew utter nonsense and every time we click on a story and shake our heads in dismay we’re renewing their contracts.

Why lend them any credence whatsoever, beyond their major accomplishment of providing late-night TV comedian fodder…their frothing inanity and manufactured outrage should be met with either stony silence or howls of derisive laughter.

We need to stop paying them any notice whatsoever.


True enough. Organized religion is man’s way of inventing something that counts as unnatural selection.


Actually, no, the mainstream media has long moved on, and the only ones still whining about it are people who never liked the president and never will. And it’s not all across the media, it’s the conservative echo chamber and liberal sites that comment on the conservative echo chamber. Literally no one else gives a shit.


“Stuns”?!?!? Maybe knowing the calories in his Caramel Brulée Frappuccino® would “stun” this block of for-profit, theatrical hate but I doubt it.


I know you get a lot of heat yourself for saying these things, but you have a point. It reminds me of when he said the cops in Cambridge, MA acted “stupidly” when they arrested the homeowner, a man whom the president knew personally, when responding to a call.

It was true, but it gave his haters a lot of fuel.


Seriously haha…Hannity’s feigned shock was just window dressing. She’s apparently been yapping this claptrap all over the place for a week. I daresay they stuck her on Faux News precisely because of it and not only expected her to say it, but told her to say it. The entire purpose of her appearance was to give her “verbal rape” nonsense the largest audience possible.


Christianity is not at all impugned by telling the truth of how some Christians have manipulated the word of Christ in order to destroy and savage innocent people. This is a surprise to no Christian. Also, I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but Christianity isn’t a monolith. There isn’t one Christian faith that we all follow. There are probably hundreds of different Christian religions.


No, he doesn’t have a point.

The conservative echo chamber took one portion out of an entire speech, and has been blathering on endlessly about it. RichardinJax wants Obama to cower in fear of the echo chamber, to not offend anyone, lest they talk about it, and to disregard the entire point Obama made about RELIGION. Points that George W. Bush made, as well, in the aftermath of 9/11.



Yes, whatever you do, don’t talk about the problems posed to and by religion at a “prayer breakfast.” That kind of thing should be reserved for gatherings of people of a theological bent, gatherings where prominent, religiously minded, public figures get together and listen to a speech about the problems posed to and by religion between the ostentatiously public praying that opens and closes the gathering.


You seem to be the only one who thinks it’s a sweet opportunity. Meanwhile, the president’s approval ratings continue to tick up and up. You know why? Because nobody gives a shit about what he said at the prayer breakfast.


Well, let’s just hope no ‘verbal children’ were conceived during this incident. Man, these folks do have a way with words nowadays.


Question for Hannity and guest - If Obama’s verbal raping at the national prayer breakfast results in the conception of a child, is it a beautiful thing?