Discussion: Former Bush Admin. Official Says He May Vote For Clinton: Trump Is 'Dangerous'

Mr. ANAL is baaaaaaack!

Your foster parents are dead.

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What on Earth about my comments would lead you to believe I was joking?

Seriously, however, I do put him in the Albert Speer category–the real Albert Speer, not the brilliant PR front version of himself he concocted to save himself from the noose. Fully engaged and complicit in the regime’s atrocities, fully culpable for vast horror, yet, somehow a less monstrous figure than the other monsters.

And no, Bush & Co are not really on a moral plane with the Nazis, even as to the “Crimes Against Peace” charges of the indictment. But the thing is . . .

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This asshat knows that if we flag him enough times in a thread it’ll get shut down. Insulting him is the best possible response.

You are the biggest numbskull and cretin ever to grace us with your remarks. As stupid as trumpet. As stupid as his sons and daughter. More stupid than Mortimer Snerd. Nobody’s going to flag you and you know why. So insults are going to happen.

Hey look, it’s one of the Shrieking Eels at the bottom of the Cliffs of Insanity. Where’s Fezzik to bop him in the head when we need him?


There might be another one here, too, or more likely, a sockpuppet.


Oh, jeez. Neocons for Clinton. Would this really be a welcome endorsement? That’s like getting the seal of approval from Darth Cheney.


He did it so we could all come here and rant about war criminals.

Hillz didn’t ask for it, so whatev.

Bleh, with friends like him, who needs friends?

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Your dishonesty is only surpassed by your idiocy. To suggest that Wolfowitz’s description of HRC is tantamount to an “endless cheer” offers a stunning illustration of your stupidity. But even uglier in you is this gem: “These 50 criminals who signed this bullshit letter of theirs all deserve execution.” I would bet my house you can’t identify with any specificity 60% of the names on this list and yet you have the sickening malice and depravity to call for the death of each one, dozens of people who’ve committed absolutely no crimes. Who’s Carla Hills? David Kramer? Robert McCallum? Kristin Silverberg? David Gordon? What did any of them, or a couple dozen others, do to deserve the ultimate penalty of death? Not a damn thing. Just total bullshit from the mouth of an ignorant asshole on a website.

You are a subhuman piece of shit, and the fact that you support Trump speaks volumes about the garbage he attracts.

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And which part of “I wish there were somebody I could be comfortable voting for. I might have to vote for Hillary Clinton, even though I have big reservations about her” would you call the endorsement?

I just didn’t want you to think nobody got it.:slight_smile:


Now I’m conflicted. In no universe that I can imagine would I vote in unison with this toad. Are these assholes coming out to depress Democratic voters? Please find another rock for this fucktart to slither under.

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So before this is all done, it appears that virtually everyone with any form of foreign affairs experience - from across the spectrum - will say that the idea of Trump incharge is insanity - -
Everyone who views international relations as a matter of importance …that needs input from knowledgeable experts - needs clear understanding of cultural differences and needs the clear thinking of insightful individuals who have an appreciation of the fact that numerous participants in the process have the ability to set off a doomsday cascade of action.
Hate Yoo and Wolfowitz - OK - but even they are terrified because
(1.)Trump is ignorant & so pigheaded that he would do stupid things out of willful-ignorance
(2.) Trump is so entirely self-absorbed & crazed - he would sell out the interests of the average American if he had the opportunity to make himself essentially King of North America


For the dozens of people commenting here who clearly did not read the article, I wish the TPM headline had been a tad more accurate than “Former Bush Admin. Official Says He May Vote For Clinton.”

What Wolfowitz actually said was, “I wish there were somebody I could be comfortable voting for. I might have to vote for Hillary Clinton, even though I have big reservations about her.”

“I might have to vote for her (because there is no palatable option)” is considerably different than “I may vote for her.” It is anything but an endorsement. And if you don’t see the difference in those two lines, I recommend you stay out of all businesses that require discernment and perspicacity.

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Not really.

Is Trump going to suddenly grow up? Is Clinton going to suddenly start singing “Bomb Iran”? No.

This guy is too much a chicken shit to admit what he’ll be doing because the people he panders to are fond of guns and very anti-changing of minds.

I read your comment and was trying to figure out to whom you were replying. I don’t see a single sentence that actually relates to what I wrote, but TPM follows a specific format that makes your comment technically a response to mine.

I can only assume you forget to add the poster to whom you were actually responding.

I would think simply ignoring him would be more useful. See the name. Skip to the next post. I don’t know why people insist on feeding the trolls.

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If you Google around you’ll find websites that name the Rs, some of whom worked in R administrations or have just been in the party for years, who have unequivocally said they’re voting for Clinton

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