Discussion: Former Bush Admin. Official Says He May Vote For Clinton: Trump Is 'Dangerous'

Really, it is Richard Perle, who was mentioned a few posts back @pearlywhite

The mere mention of his name has an effect of juju and besides that it means William Kristol can’t be far behind.


I was responding to you. I was disagreeing with your point. “I may vote for her.” is absolutely an endorsement. It’s just as close as the Chickenhawk Right will come when it’s someone who might demonstrate their love of the second amendment.

But Donald is always saying, “Believe me!”

Should we? Shouldn’t we?

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The average ® doesn’t know what role Wolfowitz played in f^cking things up for a generation.
The few who do wouldn’t admit to it.

So-- my perspective is this:
Any name brand ® who expresses they might vote for HRC? Is fine.
Because it is more likely they will dissuade demoralized ® voters from voting at all on Nov 8th–
and quashing turnout for downticket ® candidates. Giving hope that the House might come into play.

I mean sure-- Wolfowitz will go down in history as the motherf^cker that he is.
But victors write that history. And (D)s need to be the victors to do so.



Are we sure Hillary wasn’t GW Bush’s Secretary of State?

Sorry, that makes zero sense. Indeed, your two substantive sentences are a non sequitur. Your supposition about the so-called “Chickenhawk Right” is completely off-target, and, moreover, exists only in your fevered imagination. After all, Trump has spoken of using nuclear weapons in both the Middle East and Europe, and bolstering the Pentagon to such a degree that no other country would ever think of crossing the US. Whatever the nonsensical term “Chickenhawk Right” means, they would clearly prefer a warlord to a former diplomat.

Nice try, though.

No, check that. It was a very bad try.

Wolfowitz, the Comb Licker

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Man. Your job just absolutely sucks.


I’ve been reasonably comfortable with GOP publicly announcing they can’t vote for Trump and even saying they were voting for HIllary. Until now.

I wish Wolfowitz had kept his mouth shut. He is one of the most repulsive things on two legs. At least he said he has reservations about her - good.

Now please go away again before we have to watch you spit on your comb and comb your hair.

Your argument that Trump is “better” because Hillary is “worse” is just an insult to reasonable people. There is no longer any reason to consider Trump the better candidate to lead the Executive Branch of the United States government.

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