Offered without comment
“Oh, Kettle, thou art black”, exclaimed the Pot…!..
When you’re a Republican and have lost Wolfowitz, you know you’ve jumped off the Cliffs of Insanity.
Oh No! The architect of the unnecessary Iraq war is voting for Hillary?! What a strange bedfellow. Couldn’t he have had the decency to keep his mouth shut?
But remember, kids, Hillary is the criminal!
How many dead Americans is this guy responsible for?
“Ve did not know vat vas happenink!”
Trump: He is married to a Muslim, a terrorist. Why would I want his support? Besides he is a complete and utter failure as he was the architect of the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history: Iraq War.
I believe that’s the second biggest. BENGHAZIIIIII!!! being the actual biggest.
Can’t think of many people I’d less like to have backing Hillary. This guy belongs in a cell in The Hague with the rest of the war criminals who planned and carried out the invasion of Iraq.
There are few who have the ability to transmit a stench through video. Example one.
Not to mention the dead Iraqis…
Wolfowitz: “[Trump] says he admires Putin, that Saddam Hussein was killing terrorists, that the Chinese were impressive because they were tough on Tiananmen Square. That is pretty disturbing.”
But not nearly as disturbing as starting an unnecessary land war in Asia.
And destabilizing the entire Middle East.
While bankrupting America’s blood, treasure, and reputation.
“History is the sum total of things that could have been avoided.” – Konrad Adenauer
People who care what Wolfowitz has to say don’t give a flying squirt about dead foreigners.
When oh when will the persecution end? Is it a crime to plot a war of aggression? I ask you. I mean, he’s not such a bad sort as Bush era war criminals go. I mean, sure, he’s no Albert Speer, but not such a bad fellow as all that.
leave them all alone for a week and you’ll find Cheney & Perle feasting on Wolfie’s bones…
Enter: The Prince Of Darkness
Speer was better at frog-marching…