“oppose taxpayer-funded initiatives that support cohabitation, including taxpayer funded benefit plans for unmarried partners,”
“gay conversion therapy” in which prayer is used in an effort to change sexual orientation.
same-sex couples should not be allowed to adopt children.
legalizes discrimination against transgender citizens.
constitutional amendment allowing states to ban same-sex marriage.
coal is “an abundant, clean, affordable, reliable domestic energy source.”
schools to teach “abstinence until marriage as the expected norm for sexual behavior”
“Public schools should not be used to teach children about homosexual behavior.”
I think that this platform is going to have more white educated republicans jumping ship or just not vote b/c this platform seems to have more of a working class/evangelical appeal to the masses in flyover/welfare states…
It’s good to know we don’t have to rely on Trump alone to provide divisive, beyond the pale, nut-jobbiness to alienate the GOP from anyone left of moderate right.
Kansas is a living laboratory for the Republican Taliban. They’re using live subjects/hostages to experiment on. They’re getting away with it because the people of Kansas are very “religious”. Some would say very “vulnerable”.
[quote=“jimtoday, post:37, topic:40464”]
Of course I will not be surprised when he is picked up for stalking girls on a middle school playground, or for amassing a huge collection of NAMBLA-approved porn on his laptop.
[/quote]Considering the platform, the latter will be particularly ironic:
Republicans moved on Tuesday toward adopting a staunchly conservative platform that takes a strict, traditionalist view of the family and child rearing, bars military women from combat, describes coal as a “clean” energy source and declares pornography a “public health crisis.”
Porn as a “public health crisis” gives me two snarky thoughts:
Have ER visits regarding genital abrasion gone up?
Since there’s no proviso that guns might be a bit of an issue, I so want Larry Flynt to deliver a modified “cold, dead hands” line for smut.
Remember this when people say that it’s vital that we have two sane functioning parties - but what everyone refuses to see is that the Republicans will never be sane again.
Finish them off, let something else grow in their place.
Hopefully this entrenchment will lead to their swift demise as a party. I’ve never seen a party so quick to embrace drastically unpopular ideas. They are more conservative than when I grew up (with Reagan), and the populace is much more liberal.