Discussion: Forget Trump! The GOP's Convention Platform Makes It The Party Of Kris Kobach

Very bright light! Like I said earlier, this is their “Mein Kampf.”


It’s pronounced ‘Kansas’.


FEMA: Only Limited Refugee Housing Available for Those Fleeing Kansas


So, even if Trump loses in a landslide, he’s leaving a lunatic fringe white nationalist party behind as a legacy. I think people like Kobach, at least as much as Trump, are destroying the GOP as a national party.

Absolutely on the mark! When people say that the GOP will be “destroyed” this is what they’re referring to. Not the total elimination of the GOP but the horrific, final transformation of what it truly always was.


Kansas??? Good Grief! Letting one of the chief architects of Kansas failure into the chicken coop.

What has he done to suppress voting rights-his specialty.?

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his position is whatever that thing on his head whispers in his ear what his positions should be

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It’s been my feeling for a while that the Republican party, like many of its members, is getting old and senile - drifting off into the great beyond. I think the Democratic party is becoming the New Right. In view of Bernie Sanders recent popularity, I couldn’t ask for a better proof of concept.

The problem now is dealing with the onset of dementia and all the struggles that entails. It’s not at all easy dealing with someone that’s losing all their marbles. They’re frightened and irrational and can put up a big fight.


I would respectfully assert that most of the right prolly disagrees.


Bingo. The GOP has had a blueprint of what not to do staring them in the face for years. Following in Pete’s foot prints has help to destroy them. Go Dems.

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Welcome to Saudi Arabia. Great platform. For Saudi Arabia.

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Do platforms win or lose elections? Not directly. Platforms can matter in the short term, though, when they are far outside the norm. They always matter primarily to the civics geeks who actually look at partisan politics as electing parties to lead the country given the tight control those parties hold over even their most independent-minded representatives (which is IMHO a far more reality-based approach than the more common “vote for the candidate” nonsense), but those are a severe minority as we know. But, when the platform is as extreme as this one, it leaks out and starts to affect the next couple of layers of the voting populace.

More commonly, the influence of party platforms is in the far longer term.

They tell people what their party stands for, and gives them a chance to be repulsed enough by that party’s positions that they rethink their allegiance. This doesn’t happen for the “base” (that is why they are the “base”), and it doesn’t happen for the low-information “swing” voters who tend to actually decide elections in the short term (because they aren’t curious enough to actually hear anything about the party platforms unless it becomes a major public issue, which is incredibly rare).

But it does affect new voters, and it does affect those who are still considering what they stand for in life, and it does affect “party” voters over time as they start getting push-back on how extreme that party’s goals are and they become less likely to proudly display their party allegiance and eventually even start rethinking how they vote.

Overall, though, the primary influence of the party platform is in the realm of voters who are still forming their opinions on the parties. In rare occasions the extreme positions “stick” to the individual candidates and can be more damaging in the short term, but instances of that are very rare.


In order to drive home their message as strongly as possible, Republicans plan to deliver all of their convention speeches in German.


OK…quick show of hands here. How many of you think Trump gives a flying f…k about the platform? If he is elected, Trump is going to do what his gut tells him and that can vary from hour to hour as shown by his seeming ability to have taken numerous positions on the same issue over and over again…from banning Muslims to building a wall to abortion.

Frankly Trump views the GOP and its minions and even many of his adherents with contempt. Kobach has his dream platform, but if Trump gets into the Oval office, he isn’t going to go get it and start following it for the next four years.

In the meantime, if there are any smart Democratic messaging folks out there, I’d urge them to take that document and issue by issue remind voters that this is what Donald’s “party” thinks believes is best for them and America.


And I’m guessing that the convention will look eerily like the ‘Run Like Hell’ scene from ‘Pink Floyd: The Wall’

Because wingers are dumb as fuck, all they know is to double down on bigotry, hate and mean-spiritedness. It’s literally all they have—all they have to live for. These people are the bottom of society’s barrel. I think criminals in jail are actually more deserving of redemption than Republicans. At least criminals come from a world where crime is seen as the means to survive. What is dumb white people’s excuse? Their bullshit persecution complex?

Because wingers are fucking dumb, it’s entirely predictable that they would double down on their stupid shit—it’s up to the rest of us to stop them by getting out the vote, by educating, by ridiculing, by taking a stand and moving the needle our way. It’s up to us—those people over there, they’re gonna keep spewing and lobbing hateful grenades—it’s literally all they have.


Except that these corners still send members to Congress and Senate…

50,000 racists get together and they have a senator or 2 plus a few members of congress, yet the 600,000 in DC get the shaft.


More reasons to vote FOR the democrats.

“Mein Kansas?” I like it.


Now herr drumpf can point to the platform, and the “freedom” caucaus, and show how he is the voice of “reason” who can rein in these crazies.

You want to make a bet on whether or not he does that? Cause I don’t think so - he’ll just pile the crazy on top of the crazy.

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