Discussion: Forget Trump! The GOP's Convention Platform Makes It The Party Of Kris Kobach

Sane Republicans don’t exist anymore.


I guess it’s going to be like that wall in Escape from New York. Except it will be 2,000 miles long! Dude, that will be awesome!


They have gone on Full Batshitcrazy in their new&improved platform! And here is just a sample: The platform demands that " lawmakers use religion as a guide when legislating," stipulating “that man-made law must be consistent with God-given, natural rights.” It also encourages the teaching of the Bible in all public schools because, the amendment said, a good understanding of its contents is “indispensable for the development of an educated citizenry.” This is, however, only ONE of the dangerous, ill tempered and outright insane proposals they propose as the bedrock of their party.

If such insanity and regressive nonsense is what this country wants, then our republic is dead and the inmates have truly and completely taken over the asylum.
This platform is a frightening harbinger of things to come if Trump gets anywhere near the White House. It is imperative that this insanity be stopped, repudiated and tossed on the trash heap of history where it belongs.


“That platform is a very conservative one and it is one that’s consistent with Trump’s message,” Kobach said in a phone interview with TPM Wednesday. “If you check off the issues, it’s hard to find much daylight between the platform and the positions of Mr. Trump.”

Someone should ask Kobach what Trump's positions are. 
He said a woman getting an aborton should be punished. Then said he was misinterpreted.
He was for banning entry to the U.S. of ALL Muslims. Then aides said he never said such a thing. Then he himself said it was a suggestion.
He said transgender persons should use the bathroom they personally felt appropriate to their sexual identity. Then said states should have the right to legislate that right away.
He has promised on "Day One" to get rid of ALL gun free zones. Yet on properties he owns and controls and has the ability to make the change right now, today, he has yet to act.
He said Japan and South Korea should have nuclear weapons to counter China and North Korea. Then stated he'd never said any such thing.
He said global warming is a hoax, possibly created by China to cause troubles for our industries and economy. Yet a resort he owns in Ireland filed for permission to build a seawall, needed directly (as cited in their filing) as a result of the effects of climate change causing erosion of the resort's land.

The list could go on for pages. Some journalist should ask Kobach exactly which of Trump's positions the GOP platform supports. The ones he espouses on Tuesdays, or the opposite ones he espouses an hour after the news dump on Fridays?

“Here, in contrast, there hasn’t been any tension with the Trump campaign. They seem comfortable with the platform, so this was a much easier process than in 2008.”

I’m guessing it’s because Trump doesn’t really care about the platform. He’ll do whatever he wants.


This cretin, like Brownback, need to be investigated out of office. Because of these men and a legislature that is as corrupt and stupid as they are, and a constituency to match, Kansas is now facing bankruptcy. Kobach and the GOP want to bring their bad policies to the whole country.


“The platform has moved to the right between ‘08 and '12, and between '12 and '16, and the really marked difference is that I noticed, there’s a huge contrast between what happened in 2016 and 2008,” Kobach said.

Well, sure, maybe the third time’s the charm to actually win.


Kobach is helping to dig a grave for the GOP—and Trump handed him a bigger shovel.

Their convention is going to be an epic shitshow.
Buy more popcorn now.


The GOP platform also calls for no-exception abortion laws. Not in the case rape, or to save the life of the mother,extreme alright,extremely creepy.


And it is time for the Democrats to fight and fight hard for every vote.

Not that I see them actually doing that, but…


“I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto”

To which any sane American would say Yippee!


Of course, partisan’s platforms don’t mean anything…whether on the Republican or the Democratic side. Kobach may be smiling now but his policies are a failure for the people of Kansas.


One of the more despicable Republicans out there. Him and the Ohio Sec of State Husted are deplorable human beings.


It’s actually good to see KKKobach in charge. A party’s platform IS a blueprint for their followers and elected/running representatives. This is a great club we on the left can use to bash Republiscums at all levels. I mean, this IS what they stand for, right?

Gosh, this platform can be used even for the next election cycle in 2 years and even 4 years our. Thanks Kris, this is the only kudo, you loser of a dork, you’ll ever get from me.


On May 26, 2009, Kobach announced his candidacy for Kansas Secretary of State. On November 2, 2010, Kobach defeated incumbent Democrat Chris Biggs, 59%–37%.

If I meet a woman with a black eye and I'm told it was inflicted upon her by a man that was a convicted wife beater before she married him, I temper my pity just a bit, if for no other reason than I find myself wondering why the hell someone marries a convicted wife beater.

Let us not forget just how awful Kansas is these days…it really is a dump. I think it’s trying to compete for the absolute worst place in America.


This guy Kris Kobach wrote Arizona’s “papers please” law SB 1020. It allows neighborhoods to be blanketed in searches for aliens (read brown people). In Phoenix Sheriff Arpiao’s people are/were famous for random stops on the street for no reason other than skin color.
This guy is very bad news.
He is from Kansas…why does he interfere in Arizona’s laws?


Because his ambitions reach far beyond Kansas …


Oh boy! Something else for sane Americans to vote against.