It’s kind of hard to be sane when a political party makes the leap from sanity into authoritarianism and fascism.
I find this man to be one of the most dangerous men in the GOP. He is thoroughly evil
He interferes wherever he can. He is a truly evil man
I wish i could be so sanguine. Ya know how these Nuremberg rallies can go…
After next week, when the platform passes unmodified, that will be the time to bang the drum about it. Right now, it is a plan, but it is not yet reality. Will it become reality? Yup. But it makes no sense, and in fact looks a little dopey, to go after something not yet set in stone.
The Dems need to be certain that their platform reflects the real world. That may mean, item for item, line for line, the opposite, 180 degrees, from what is included in the GOP platform.
Sadly, many people don’t read the platform. And, much like we see with Brexit, many people don’t understand what they are voting for. And, as John Oliver said after the Brexit vote, “there are no }%%*** do-overs!!!”
On the other hand, does anyone have the Dem platform from the last two Presidential elections? How much of that was actually in the mix? That’s not to say the GOP wouldn’t carry it through with control of all three branches of government, which could be very possible.
Great. The Republican platform is to turn the US into the failed state of Kansas.
It’s not “Anti-Immigrant Conservatism” call it what it is: Christio-Fascism
It is taking the book “The Handmaidens Tale” and using it a roadmap for an “American Taliban” wet-dream.
Yes…because this crap is working SO WELL in Kansas.
So, even if Trump loses in a landslide, he’s leaving a lunatic fringe white nationalist party behind as a legacy. I think people like Kobach, at least as much as Trump, are destroying the GOP as a national party. They simply do not want any non-white voters: good! They can go on running Kansas (and Idaho, and Mississippi) but they’re not going to matter outside their own little corners of alt-rightness.
I think the prototype for Donnie Drumpf’s wall should be built around (and over) Kansas.
It’s difficult for the Dems to do what the mainstream newsmedia ought to be doing, which is to call detailed attention to all this. But then the 4th estate would have to find ‘balance’ and do negative reporting on the Dems, right?
IOW, the GOP is leaderless. Trump isn’t in it for the Party and Kobach is drunk on racism and religiosity and just using the Republican Party to achieve his personal goals.
The supposed leaders, McConnell, McCarthy and Ryan are too gutless and owned to intervene and just get steamrolled by the proud and over confident loons.
See Donald Trump as example #1 and now one of the other extremists, Kobach, as example #2.
Karl Rove was pulling the strings for years but the position of puppet master has been taken away from the neo-cons and gifted to the wackos.
Their proposed oath for government workers will include that you have to be been born again and have a personal relationship with Jesus, (meaning Christ not Gonzalez). You will also have to severe ties with Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim, Native American religious institutions.
I’ve long said that Republicans’ end goal is a Christo-fascist Corporate mash-up of “The Handmaidens Tale” and “Neuromancer.”
Chris Kobach is no “legal wunderkind” at all, he is a rabid ideologue, narcissist, and a common vandal who sees the law as something to be manipulated to his own peculiar ideology. Of course I will not be surprised when he is picked up for stalking girls on a middle school playground, or for amassing a huge collection of NAMBLA-approved porn on his laptop.
It would be equally unsurprising to see him 8 to 12 years hence elected President. Because it’s what we do.
Kobach is doing to the GOP nationwide what Pete Wilson did to it in California. Thanks to Wilson, the GOP is just a withered rump of its former self and it can’t win a statewide election.
Last Sunday’s Doonesbury covered most of your points, and then some, if you missed it.
So the log cabin is fundraising off of the platform.
Why are you still republicans?