Discussion: Fiorina Defends Planned Parenthood Comment: I've Seen The Footage! (VIDEO)

Where and who has the videos, We want you to show us this video, otherwise you’re just lying.


The only “footage” is in her “mouthage.”


Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.


Well, this is an easy one. Someone needs to watch the 5 videos, and produce a transcript. This should be done by 2 persons, and notarized. This is a great opportunity to damage Brand Fiorini. She is a liar and exaggerator. Who can do that?


She doesn’t seem to realize that when you make a claim that is so out there, so fantastical that people don’t believe you, the onus is on YOU to put up or shut up.

She’s chosen this video as the hill upon which she will die. More and more reporters are going to call her out on this until she is forced to find a video that does what she says it does. And of course it will prove nothing because it won’t be a Planned Parenthood facility. It might be some crazy abortion clinic somewhere on the other side of the world, and she’ll STILL maintain that it’s PP and lie through her teeth.


Because A) that would effectively end the Planned Parenthood “controversy,” which is still good for clicks and eyeballs, and B) you simply do not do that to Republicans. If the media started calling out every blatant, easily disproven GOP lie, they wouldn’t get invited to John McCain’s tire swing.


Hey, Carly, I’ve seen the video too!

Wait, we’re talking about the too-scary video where the liquid metal cyborg from the future survives a crash and inferno unscathed, only to continue relentlessly stalking the heroic John Connor, who’s being protected by another cyborg from the future, right? I know! So realistic what they can do with CGI! Can you imagine what would have happened if Skynet had sent a Planned Parenthood counselor back in time instead of all those cyborgs? Sarah Connor has effective birth control, doesn’t get pregnant after one-night stand, and hasta la vista, resistance.

P.S. Just because you saw something on video, doesn’t mean it happened.


Yeah, she also saw the profits coming at HP when she laid off 30,000 American workers and was fired from her job. Carly is as delusional as Palin but cleans up better for interviews. When you get caught lying about something so divisive, it’s much better to admit it so you can move on.

Carly has now defined herself as the sour puss who ruins great American companies, punishes middle class workers and does Brian William hit jobs on fetal body parts. I guess that is about as good as it gets for a Republican candidate. She has now placed herself beside Rick Santorum in credibility.


Alas, although I am the offspring of a Seventh Day Adventist family, I think my ancestors came to that denomination in the 1880s, thus missing Miller’s famous gatherings on the hillside by several decades. And my grandfather left the faith of his birth in the 1930s, around when he brought a diary written by an SDA missionary in Nanking back to America, convinced by then that the Adventists’ hard fundamentalist creationism and their pacifism in the face of Japanese and German militarism were inconsistent with rational thought and life. So not all of the descendants of the Milerites are at it as strongly as ever. I do have cousins, though!

The conman Joseph Smith comes from the same place and time, producing a faith denomination even wackier than the Adventists. Of course, besides sharing the Adventists’ resistance to obervable evidence, the Latter Day Saints were from the beginning a criminal enterprise. Smith’s successor Bring’em Young was a mass murdering thief as well as an epic serial pedophile rapist. It is appalling that that church will not acknowledge the crimes of their founders. Is it still a criminal enterprise?


@vlharpley: The question was whether, as a cancer patient, she had benefited from fetal research. @chammy identified the surgery, which suggests the diagnosis that was requested.

I have seen a video showing PP staff carrying aborted fetuses onto alien spacecraft and then eating them with the aliens in a horrific ritual feast. The fact that nobody can find this video is proof that it exists and is being covered up by Democrat liberals.


I am just wondering why exactly do all RepubliCONS lie about everything/ Don’t they know that the internet exists and fact checking is instantaneous … I guess they really do want to bring America Back… to the 1860’s


Fiorina is is also still maintaining that she left HP in better shape than before she was hired and fired from the the top job after laying off American workers, outsourcing all resources overseas and tanking the equity of the corporation by nearly half.

Why are conservative strategists offering their weakest arguments via a candidate who polarizes its own base and alienates Independents at the same time? The more Fiorina talks about shareholder return and dismembering fetuses, the more American workers are looking for a Democrat who will raise their standard of living and leave those miscarried remains to the professionals.

What would she do? Stop all medical research and layoff another 30,000 American workers?


Excessive inbreeding among the Top 1% and the Lowest 1%?

No. Sneed saw what she said. And Brian Williams was there, too.

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well Fiorina, all your buds in the pro life camps have to do is produce the scenes you’re claiming to have seen for verification.
It’s really only way to back the claim being made.

I wonder why that hasn’t seemed to have happened yet?


If PP had also come armed with assault rifles and turned them on the aliens starting an intersellar war, all would be forgiven including the fetal food orgy?

I admire Ms. Fiorina’s enthusiasm and stamina while doubling down on her lies.


Nope, they want to take America back to what it was like in the 1300s, long before all that Satanic Enlightenment stuff was imposed on God-fearing Americans by Democrat liberals like Saul Alinsky.

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So, her position is that anyone who isn’t wiling to watch the entire 15 hours of propaganda is just supposed to “rest assured” that she saw what she says she saw in there. Rather than, say, just providing a specific video clip to the media, which is what anyone in her position would do if they were telling the truth. Unfortunately, she can’t do that, because it doesn’t exist.

Lied, got caught, lied some more, still caught.

Not that any of that matters to the abortion horror fetishists of the GOP’s ultraconservative uberevangelical wing. She threw them that juicy red meat, they devoured it and are begging for more. To them, whether her specific claim about the video is factually true or not is just not important. It represents the kind of cackling, greedy, evil intentions they already ascribe to Planned Parenthood, and abortion providers in general. Whether it’s true or not, to those folks it’s “truthy.”

She’s probably helping herself more than hurting herself with respect to the GOP primary electorate, where saying crazy stuff about abortion only seems to help, and the crazier the better. But if that’s something she’s going to keep emphasizing, that could come back to haunt her in the general…though I seriously doubt she’s going to make it that far.

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