Discussion: Fiorina Defends Planned Parenthood Comment: I've Seen The Footage! (VIDEO)

Sorry stupid bitch, those videos were severely edited and proven untrue!

As a former Lucent employee you don’t stand a chance ever getting elected POTUS! Even the Lucent gop/bags would never vote for you!!!

Or anyone from HP for that matter!!


Mine too! Hence,never, ever voting for this bitch!

Because they can, and because all too often, it works.

Its easy Carly. Get the tape release it to the media and bingo…you prove its true, but its not or else you would have you lying SOB


THAT is the singularly greatest comeback in the history of the Internets.

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In the spirit of bi-partisanship, let me quote another stellar Republican in response to Carly’s crapola-fest … “you lie!”

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Look Carly…if the people who edited those tapes, gathered secretly and whacked together with malice aforethought to accomplish one single task (and clearly working in cahoots with hard right Republicans who were aware of the tapes well before they were released)…if THEY haven’t leaped forward with the actual footage you refer to, if the anti-abortion groups who are trying to use this to gut Planned Parenthood, if the media…if NONE of them can find it, knowing just how powerful it would be in their cause and yours…Where the F…K is it?

Where??? If you are so sure you have seen it, where are your allies, including the very people who made the video and would most like to point others to the footage you claim you saw?

I am astounded that the media hasn’t been all over this, and I am sure that Carly is counting on their demonstrated laziness.



But but but… Carly watched this video and swears it’s a true documentary…


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Sometimes, it’s not the whole world that’s crazy, Fiorina, it’s you.


Keep digging. I’m sure China is down there somewhere.

Side note: Just hope there is a country left to come back to from our vacation at the rate the crazy is going.


Well… It is the GOP way…

It’s known as double-down… triple-down… quad-triple-down…



I’m taking a poll here on which is a worse quality in a potential President:

  1. Lying that the scene is there when you know it isn’t.
    2.Being delusional and thinking the scene is there when it isn’t.

Put up or shut up, lady.


Welp, that’s the end of Narly Fiorina, even if she manages to win the goper coronation party (not bloody likely) she has provided the Democratic nominee with the sound bite of her proclaiming a demonstrable lie over and over. Just not gonna fly with the 'independents" let alone the Dems. ALso the fact that for onc Donald was right, what a joyless face, she will remind everyone of the meanest teacher they ever had…toast!!!


The Fox way of arguing: “There’s video out there unless you can prove there isn’t.” Slimy, isn’t she?



CF didn’t lay off anyone at HP either: I’ve seen the video from my front porch!


Would somebody please tell Carly that she was duped? If she is this clueless, then she really should stop running for president. How gullible is this woman?

Excellent. That will get around.

That’s what is most amazing. It would be so, so easy for her to say something like “look, you can nitpick over these little details if you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that Planned Parenthood is doing blah blah blah.”

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