Discussion: Fiorina Defends Planned Parenthood Comment: I've Seen The Footage! (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #240758

If Fiorina really wants to destroy Planned Parenthood she should become its CEO.


There’s a far greater likelihood of somebody seeing real footage of Sasquatch than Sneed seeing what she’s claiming.


So, anyone who can’t find the video she’s talking about hasn’t watched it, and she won’t believe them. I don’t think she understands how evidence and proving your case works…but she knows that the voters she is pursuing don’t care about it either. This is a prime example of conservatives creating their own reality that is immune to facts, and to them it’s completely irrelevant that the PP videos have been found to be fraudulent.

I only hope that the voting population in general can manage to see through these absurd stories once the election comes around.


Well, she’s gone.


"…And I find it amazing, actually, that all these supposed fact checkers in the mainstream media claim this doesn’t exist, they’re trying to attack the authenticity of the videotape, I haven’t found a lot of people in the mainstream media who has ever watched these things…And anyone who wants to challenge me first is going to have to prove to me that they watched it.”

Yes, of course they haven’t watched the footage, you stupid mynah bird, because it bloody well doesn’t exist. It is incorporeal, fiction, absent, dreamlike, apparitional, phantasmal, supposititious. In short, it’s bollocks!


“I’ve seen the footage. And I find it amazing, actually, that all these supposed fact checkers in the mainstream media claim this doesn’t exist, they’re trying to attack the authenticity of the videotape, I haven’t found a lot of people in the mainstream media who has ever watched these things.”

Aside form the fact that many, many people in all sorts of media organizations have indeed watched all of the videos, why doesn’t Carly’s campaign just release the footage? Would seem to be an easy way to prove what she’s saying, no? But they can’t. Because it doesn’t exist.


The GOP makes up facts, so it isn’t surprising that they watch videos that don’t exist.


what a lying bitch… even the center for medical progress can’t provide the video as she described…


Pardon my french, but this made me livid. F you, you lying asshole. YOU prove to the country that it exists, not the country has to prove to YOU that there is fairy dust. Prove it exists, or shut the hell up.


Doesn’t Fiorina remind you of every bad boss you’ve ever had? Mean-spirited (“I just know, you worthless employee, that you’re lazy and/or intent on sabotaging ME’”), factually-impaired and utterly convinced of his/her being correct and unfairly criticized. Collaborative? Open to new ideas or perspectives? Not if you value your career. I’m just appallled and personally repelled.


Fiorina is having visual and auditory hallucinations and cannot distinguish her hallucinations from actual sense-data or verifiable facts. Thus, she has cleared a critical bar in her quest to become the GOP nominee.


“And anyone who wants to challenge me first is going to have to prove to me that they watched the video that I claim exists yet can’t produce and no one else can find."

Fixed it for you.


But she’s UP in the polls! That’s all that matters! She was so confident in the debates! She’s a businesswoman! She stood up to Donald Trump! Follow the Horse Face… um, sorry, Horserace!

If she gets away with this, she and others will start saying they’ve seen Hillary Clinton dining on a salad of kale and crumbled fetus, with fava beans and a nice chianti.


Fiorina: “I’ve seen the footage!”

Then show us the footage! – And it must be from within a Planned Parenthood clinic, not some unrelated footage stuck in there by those editors with the heavy hands. Damn, are you people obtuse.


Vicious, vile, venomous liar. Put a fucking bag over her head and tell her to STFU


So Carli is part of the Repub’s jihad against abortion. Same modus operandi, facts don’t matter, kill all reasonable discussion, scream at the base, lie about what you said if you become the candidate. She cares a thimble full about abortion. She just wants to get in office and greedily fuel her .01%


Bad boss? Nope, first wife.


Being a woman I hadn’t thought of that one!

Yeah, add in devoting resources to building a personality cult, and that’s pretty much the whole story of her tenure as CEO of HP.

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