Discussion: Fiorina Defends Planned Parenthood Comment: I've Seen The Footage! (VIDEO)

True true, but if she was a real smoking hot babe she might get away with it. But she ain’t. Like not even close.

So in her alternate universe repeating a lie makes it a truth? Probably has to repeat it one more time while clicking her heels saying “I’m really not the wicked witch of the west” … sadly, that still doesn’t make her lie work for anyone other than herself. I predict a Michel Bachmann collapse in the near future.

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Carly Fiorina = Sarah Palin redux.


well, there’s her problem right there: fact checkers in the mainstream media

this is present-day duh-murican journalism she’s reliant on … fact-checking is not part of their job description. just ask chuckles todd.


This woman is such a liar and cannot be trusted. The sad thing about these Republicans are they believe their own lies, but the media is also responsible to fact check them. Of course, they don’t. A sad day when the media is more interested in ratings than the truth.


To those who see it, it’s right there to be seen.

To those who don’t see it, it’s invisible.

This sort of thinking made a big contribution to the Know Nothing movement during the generation leading into the Civil War. William Miller kept making “arrive by” date predictions for Jesus to arrive and purify and cleanse the world, saving only those who’d given away all they owned to his church, and then Jesus kept not showing up when scheduled. So, Miller got progressively more and more specfic with dates and times, and when Jesus still wasn’t apparent, Miller declared He was sitting in a cloud just above us and would only come down if enough people made it worth his while with donations to his church and prayer but mostly the former. And when Jesus still failed to be detected having shown up, Miller claimed that He HAD arrived, but was invisible to all but the truest of true believers, whose belief would be measured in part by how much of what they owned they gave to his church. The more Miller’s prediction failed, the more strongly the truest of the believers believed. And their descendants of today are still at it, strongly as ever.

It’s no longer necessary to provide proof, or indeed to do anything rational at all to refute attacks on the belief: the belief is self-sustaining.


Hey lying Carly Florina, I would watch the disturbing video if only you would share the exact footage with me!


If she’s seen the video, she obviously has the ability to provide it for the rest of us to see it as well. Maybe she’s trying to protect our sensibilities? How kind of her … the only thing that separates her from Palin is that she’s self-financed and doesn’t need a Neiman’s shopping trip courtesy of the RNC. She’s also a better actress …


Well, this coming week one of two things will start happening: 1. Ben Carson will start attacking Fiorina directly, as she has slightly surpassed him/is in a dead-heat with him for second place in the most-recent GOP polls. 2. We’ll start hearing mumblings about a Fiorina/Carson ticket. Since women still outnumber African-Americans in the USA, Carly would naturally head the ticket. The GOP would crow to the world: “See! We are inclusive!”

Trump will start tweeting shit about either one of these two who are nibbling at his feet. They all proudly lie through every orifice they’ve got – so it’s anyone’s guess what he’ll come up with. Easiest for him–and would be a truth point for him (first one?)–would be the PP videos and how Carly just swears on the highest stack of her bibles that she’s seen the non-existent scenes.

This could be funner than watching that Davis woman perp-walked back to prison.


I said this in the Hive, but I’ll say it here. She is Cheney. She believes her own reality and she knows deep down she is smarter then anyone else she encounters.


If only there were a way to know what’s on those tapes we could prove she’s lying. Damn.


simple common sense would be to ask Fiorina to post the video, or give it to a reliable source to back up her claim that everyone is wrong but her. This hasn’t happened because the Media like to Gin up lies. This is a serious topic and needs to be handled seriously. The lies being told jepardize Planned Parenthood. and women’s health, Just get the video and post it Fiornia.



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and why doen’t someone in the Media ask for it on live TV?


Carly, show us OR shut up!


If I were PP, I’d be taking very detailed notes. When the right time arrives, sue this liar for as many millions as they can get. She doesn’t deserve them anyway. To your point about this being a very serious issue, it is–and I am rather flabbergasted they all keep handling these lies this way. Planned Parenthood is a non-profit family planning and women’s healthcare organization that is, in so many cases, the only source for these services in many MANY parts of this nation. These fucks like Fiorina are putting them at risk of not being able to offer that much-needed care. As human beings go, Carly Fiorina deserves to be turned away the next time she needs ANY type of healthcare. Putting her actions here in context, she is one of the lowliest of the low. Carly Fiorina doesn’t deserve proper, timely, clean, honest, personalized healthcare. This is what her actions speak about others.


They are from a miscarried fetus that the parents took photos of. They are antiabortion and wanted to show that a 19-week fetus is “fully formed”, but it’s still a gross misrepresentation to include them in the video (and it’s not clear if they’re there with permission).


Charlatan Failurina … my former boss.


Setting aside the lies:
Her. Cadence. Is. Super. Annoying.

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