Discussion: Everyone Hates The Idea Of A Short-Term Immigration Punt. Congress May Do It Anyway

Not before Nancy bust their fili!

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Punting is all Republicans know how to do. They would make 1980s Big Ten football blush.

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Is that included in this “compromise?” If so, I might be okay with it (even though it creates more stress for Dreamers as they wait.) Otherwise, I am worried about how many will be deported before we control more of Congress and have the chance to do the right thing.


Even with a Democratic “wave” it’s not likely to be “tidal” enough to have Veto-Proof majorities.

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the dems are clearly NOT saying DCA people do not matter.


Emphasis mine:
The White House is furious that Congress is squandering precious time to accomplish something both Republicans and Democrats have already agreed to do – protect hundreds of thousands of young immigrants. According to eight people familiar with the situation, the anger is boiling over as time runs out to complete an immigration deal before the calendar quickly shifts to the midterm elections.

White House aides are eager to strike an immigration deal that will include money for a border wall. That would allow President Donald Trump to hit the campaign trail with his biggest goals accomplished: a rewrite of the nation’s tax laws, a repeal of the requirement Americans buy health insurance, a reduction in regulations and action to curtail legal and illegal immigration.

Most of those who spoke about the White House’s frustrations did so on the condition of anonymity.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article198939894.html#storylink=cpy


If you meant Navarro, she’s not a Democrat. If you meant Pelosi, holding the floor like that is something only she, as Minority Leader, can do. The House doesn’t have filibusters. She’s exploiting a procedural rule.


I know that Navarro is a Republican and yes I meant Pelosi and she set a record today for the longest speech on the floor of the House. I must have been in my streaming consciousness mode. I do that sometimes. Sorry for any misunderstanding.




My Hispanic son in law became a citizen yesterday and be for we left the place he registered to vote.


Congratulations to all of you.


Yes but she knew that it would not prevent anything and did no damage. Smart move. Optics are important take them when you get tbem but don’t fuck them up in the process.


Yea if we can get the short term deal there a good chance we can do Trump in in 2018


This doesn’t meet the standards of your other three yearly posts. Maybe next year, after the wave election, you’ll have something to contribute?

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The last three required heavy Democratic majorities, but the first two got more R support than D, percentage-wise. Of course the Dixiecrats are now the core of the Repugnants, and the liberal and moderate Rs are long gone, so in today’s reality you are exactly right. Just please don’t give Rs the opening to crow about their historical actions on civil rights.

I’d wondered how she’d managed to hold the floor.

Good for her.


"…But the next year never seems to come,”

The next year will come in 328 days and a few days after that the next Congress will come with a likely GOP House minority.

The GOP House killed it in 2006 too and it cost the GOP in that midterm too.

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In the immortal words of Mr. Garrison, there are no stupid questions, only stupid people.

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