Discussion: Everyone Hates The Idea Of A Short-Term Immigration Punt. Congress May Do It Anyway

I think you’re on to something here. The Gooper know it’s a losing prospect for them.

Anticipating at least the House going blue, the GOP can let the Dems do the dirty work, then howl, rend their garments and put ash in their hair — while internally sighing with relief that they have dodged the deportation bullet.

The Wingnut faction will be furious but helpless.

And I hope/believe that DACA supporters would be smart enough to see this and motivated enough to ensure that the tsunami takes place in the fall. It’s really their best chance at this point.

Yes. That an extension for the Dreamers is reportedly at the the heart of the potential “punt.” From Daily Beast:

The punt proposal, which was first reported by Politico and is known in some quarters on Capitol Hill as “Plan Z,” would be to extend legal protections under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) for a matter of years (two to three is now most often discussed) in exchange for a relatively small amount of border security funding.

I call foul. “Desperate Democrat” is not the same as “troll.” No regulars here have to add that pathetic protest.

Next time, just be truthful.

Thanks - that helps in my assessment of the deal.

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