Discussion: Everyone Hates The Idea Of A Short-Term Immigration Punt. Congress May Do It Anyway

You mean she’s not reading Green Eggs and Ham?

Love her!!!


They’ll vote for republicans?

Hahahahahaha! They’ve got a way to fix this. They’re smart enough to know what to do.


Latinos in my family are on fire. They can’t wait to vote and nothing will stop them.


With the caveat that I have little confidence in my own judgment on immigration politics, it seems to me that this is the best possible outcome. Extend the Dreamers for a year — without committing fully to the wall, to an end to family-based immigration or to changes in the lottery. I hope immigrant activists would view such a deal as win (albeit temporary and incomplete).

Even though Putin’s Crazy Slave Army, aka the GOP base, will try to make it into a campaign issue, 80 percent of Americans fall on the right side on this one. And voters who are directly affected by DACA far outnumber the Alt-right Orcs. It’s a winning argument for our side in the Nevada, Arizona and possibly even Texas Senate races. It’s probably also a net winner in a lot of marginally Republican suburban House districts.

If the Dreamers are protected for a year, and other costs in human terms are reversible and not too high, by all mean keep it alive as a campaign issue. If we win the House, we’ll have a much better bargaining position next year. It rather that next year’s more Democratic Congress decide this issue than that this year’s.

The only thing that gives me pause is that surely the GOP understands this and will try to extract a ton of flesh. One big thing we have going in our favor: The GOP is more terrorized than they’ll publicly admit at being blamed for the deportation of 700,000 fine young contributors to our economy.


It is going to a lot of Koch money to keep Hispanics from voting this fall.


More Democrats need to do this. Dreamers are productive Americans and deserve a path to citizenship, We need a clean DACA bill.


This is from September but still relevant. Trump would have us all believing that all immigrants are dangerous murderers. Except most in DACA are more like this student than gang members in MS 13


Navarro is a Republican.

Yes, but a member of that vanishing breed - a sane Republican…


Not to mention names but how about the “morons out there who, after all that’s happened,” still don’t know what “neo-liberal” means? Are they also “blind, deaf and dumb, especially dumb”?

Belittling people who ask questions can be counter-productive.


Yes, what I meant was more Dems need to do what Nancy Pelosi is doing. Trump and his administration make broad gross generalizations about immigrants not just those with DACA protections. It is important to humanize them.


It so reminds me of the times that she talked about jobs for American workers.

When were those again?

The dems will go to the mattresses for dreamers, but NEVER for American workers who are being replaced by illegals.

“The Senate by nature always goes towards what’s easiest,” he said. “Like water goes downhill, we go toward the status quo.”

No. When controlled by Republicans, it goes towards what’s best for the wealthy and powerful.
When Democrats have a two thirds majority like they did in the sixties, we get meaningful legislation for the people. Like two civil rights bills, Medicaid, Medicare and food stamps.
Look at the Bills signed into law just under the LBJ years: http://www.lbjlibrary.org/lyndon-baines-johnson/lbj-biography/landmark
Compare that to the bills passed when Republicans controlled all three branches of government from 2001-2006 under Bush. We got the Patriot Act, AUMF, Iraq war resolution, tax cuts for the wealthy and unfunded hundreds of billions to the drug companies under Medicare part D. Oh yeah, we got the bankruptcy bill also.


Y’know, at this point…not being trump may be enough. This is the most corrupt, ignorant, self-serving, bumbling and pathetic president one could imagine.

[quote=“pvg65, post:9, topic:68309”]
What do they stand for?
[/quote] Agree that you do sound like a troll…if you don’t know what they stand for, how can you be one?


What if they’re dumb questions?

People believed a whole lot of stupid last year. I’m afraid I have no patience for those kinds of questions this year.


I’ll just let that one sit there. Comment seems unnecessary.

For what it’s worth, Nancy Pelosi is still speaking, since 10 am EST.


We have full employment. Just what American workers are being displaced by illegals.


This is pretty much the exact scenario a talking head on MSNBC (the 5PM ahow) mentioned the other night a 1 year extension on immigration which allows the Dems the chance to retake the House and put a more favorable long term plan on place.

Guess that Talking Head actually knew what she was talking about

We line in a rural area. Local dairy farms, fruit orchards, and other agricultural operations have to hire immigrant workers because non-immigrant workers:

  1. Don’t want to do hard work in all kinds of weather conditions;
  2. Often can’t pass any drug testing;
  3. Have limited skill sets, but expect big pay and perks…
  4. Aren’t reliable for showing up;
  5. etc.

Just one example that there is no displacement in these circumstances.


Here’s another…