Discussion: Donald Sterling Is a Registered Republican

Even IF Sterling was a bonafide no holds barred Democrat, NO national Democrats embraced him. He was NOT given a pedestal by ANY Democratic affiliations, and other than one NAACP lifetime award and three donations to Democrats in the 90s, has no Democratic connections period. Once again, the right wing have egg on their faces for not doing the proper research and verifying their claims.


Because this guy isn’t some rural yahoo, and instead a guy that has some serious money, it seems some in the pundit class feel less inclined to bash him. I am seeing pity for the elderly, maybe he has dementia, he was railroaded by the evil mistress, etc. comments instead.

I’ve even seen Obama bashed for commenting on it… As if Obama inserted it into his conversation about Asia.

I’m guessing the “Sterling is a Democrat/Obama supporter” meme will likely continue in the foggy corners of the right, not unlike the “military was told to stand down in Benghazi” garbage. Truth has no meaning to these people, and the right-wing media and politicians apparently face no consequence for lying to the rubes.


It doesn’t matter what his party affiliation is, but still, HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

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Although his political donations appear to have been exclusively to Democrats, his official party affiliation is not known.

That’s right. National Review can look at donations quite easily, but when it comes to registration they’re stumped. Sure they are.


Wow the Daily Caller makes up things to tar Democrats? Shocking, next you will tell me they’ll make up stories about a Democratic Senator going to the DR and buying hookers (look it up they did this a year ago).

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Unknown unknown, fer sure. I mean, who would think to look up his registration?

They also left off that these donation were very tiny and made over 20 years ago, because otherwise they couldn’t muddy the waters.


if you go read that idiotic National Review piece, the writer Tim Cavanaugh used a nutpicked post on a New England Patriots fans’ forum, written by somebody that nobody knows, as his excuse to introduce partisan political affiliation into the debate.

I can scarcely believe that grown adults are paid to write this crap.

Every meme the stupid party latches onto blows up in their faces. This is the result of short term tactics to keep the slavering base locked and loaded. Too bad for the GOP even that is failing them, with their base shrinking faster than the religious right…and that is saying something.


not surprising in the least. Until last Tuesday, it was very important that everyone pay attention to what Cliven Bundy had to say. Then he opened his fool mouth about “the Negro” and overnight, you were not supposed to talk about Cliven Bundy and it was terribly incivil of you to do so.

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So, this nitwit is registered as a Republican but supports Democrats. He’s still a racist, although the most that can really be said about him is that he doesn’t like black people. So what? There are plenty of black people who hate white people, but where is the outrage?

That Malkin creature was shrieking on her Facebutt page about Sterling nee Tokowitz that he was a Democrat. Of course. All the evils in her world can be attributed to being a left-leaning person.


Show us a black team owner who dislikes and reviles his white players, throw in a minority girlfriend, repugnant behavior and then we can talk.

And yet, they seem to keep coming back again and again. It’s like the CEOs who run big companies into the ground, get multi-tens-of-million-dollar payouts, then go run another company into the ground. They are immune to consequences.

They think nothing of making $hit up, like little kids who cannot imagine getting caught. In a similar vein, kos has called some conservative think tank for altering a George Carlin quote.
And they do it without the least bit of shame or embarrassment.

How can you not like an old coot with a mug like that?

Actually, Sooner, the study has been done (http://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html). It doesn’t refer to political affiliation, just to ‘conservative values’, but which party claims to be the defender of ‘conservative values’? The conclusions? – Low IQ, conservative values, and racism go hand in hand.

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Since he gives only to dems, maybe he’s a RIRO (Republican In Racism Only)?

Somebody should let Rush Limbaugh know about Sterling’s party affiliation…