Discussion for article #222103
Wow. There is more botox in that pic than in an entire lot of badly-canned tuna.
Good to see that the plastic surgeons in the greater LA metroplex have been keeping busy.
facts have a liberal bias
Not surprised he is a republican. He has the same traits as Bundy and the guy who said that those of us who are not the 1 percent are Nazis.
Remember when Jack Abramoff got his ass in trouble back in 2006, bribing everybody in sight? Remember that? Except for the CredĂt Mobelier scandal back in 1869 it was the biggest bribery scandal in American history.
The Republicans were screaming he was giving money to the Democrats and it turned out to be THEM.
Where is that fucking troll that was here yesterday posting in huge bold font (until he took it down and continued to post it in normal script) that kept insisting Sterling was a Dem. Now we know where these trolls come from…as if we didn’t already know. Show your face poser. Let’s hear your rant again, just for old time’s sake. Coward.
Not that it matters anyway - I’d take this jerk to task regardless of what party he belongs to, however I’d be interested to see the response from to people that touted his donations to Democrats - particularly a poster here who at the end of his comment said “go figger”…
I have seen this idea of Sterling being a Dem all over the net, but if it’s true that he’s a registered republican, would it be wrong if I smiled?
Ambulance chaser, slumlord, cradle robber, and Republican.
Dude’s the complete package
Didn’t you read the article? They showed his voter registration. What are going to do, play the birther game?
rough run for the racist republican right. This plus the ever-mounting reports that Obamacare is working are terrifying the pigish plutocracy of Koch and Ko…
The GOP operatives are working overtime on this. Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers aren’t the only racist operative in the charity, sports and awards industry. All tax dodges and shelters where the ultimate cost is on the taxpayers.
The GOP planned to host the GOP convention in Vegas at Adelson Casino before Bundy’s political tripwire. Now Sterling exposed the racist strangle hold on the NAACP. Tough fighting from the woodshed even with lots of money.
Nice tactics Republicans. In the same way please also declare Rep. Grimm and others as democrats.
This should make everybody forget about Cletus and get back to the real Republican claim that it’s okay to steal if you’re a cranky old white guy who raises beef.
As if this minor fact will make the slightest difference to the people who believe Obama’s birth certificate is a fake, the financial collapse was caused by the Community Reinvestment Act, Benghazzzziiiii, and voter fraud is real.
I mean, have you seen his long form voter registration?
He justified his racism to his mistress by saying…“Look at the way Israel treats blacks, they treat them like dogs.” Huh, I thought Israel just treated Palestinians like dogs. Interesting.
He’s GOP! This is fun-EE!
Oh come on-- It’s good to see that some of this fat cat’s money is going toward a good cause !
How fitting considering the only people that gave a rat’s ass about his political affiliation were teatards. Now they will probably sputter something about “both sides!” or “doesn’t matter!”