Discussion: Donald Sterling Is a Registered Republican

The bigots always like to say that they are the Party of Lincoln and that Southern Democrats fought against the Civil Rights Act. They never want to admit that they were kicked out of the Democratic Party and that the Dixiecrats who rule the roost in the GOP are still members of the John Birch Society, KKK and Aryan Nation.

When the TeaParty and Limbaugh get all excited that there might possibly still be one racist left in the DNC ranks, they always get disappointed. We kicked you out in 1961 and you’ll never be welcome back unless you leave your hoods and pitchforks at the door with Karl Rove.

You are as stuck with the Wall Street gamblers, your Top 1% betters and multinational masters as they are with you bigots. Still haven’t had enough yet of their income inequality? Want to be kicked around some more?


And those GOP voter suppression laws seem even more repulsive to decent Americans than they did before.

I think that was a subtle Bridgeghazi joke. Speaking of, whatever happened with that?

“…but, but, but…Robert Byrd was in the Klan…all Democrats are racists…because…just because…WAAAAAAHHHHH!”

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Let’s not kid ourselves. There are registered Democrats perfectly capable of spewing this kind of hatred, too. But it should be noted that the Democrats never tried to rally around this guy, or make excuses for him. Republicans should take note.


Facts are science, beliefs are republican. As we see the beliefs in the meme are wrong, Sterling is a supporter of republicans and votes for them. Deal with it.

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Sooner, I thought Hugh was suspended until May 6th. That was what was on his profile page.

“his official party affiliation is not known” …unless you actually look it up.


Yep. They brought us the Witch Hunter - Issa the Felon.

Direct from the Karl Rove school of spin. Try to take the heat off the GOP- Bundy connection by making spurious accusations that have no basis in reality, then have your Fox media lackeys push the meme for at least a week, truth be damned. Worst-case scenario, they can still push the “both sides do it” line.

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Claiming Donald Sterling is a Democrat is like claiming todays GOP is the party of Lincoln.

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Maybe he bought his way out of jail. look at his profile page today…nothing. And you can see his posts on that page also.

So it was more like double secret probation and not an actual suspension?

Follow the Dark Money.

Heh, the party of Lincoln was the progressive party of that time and place.

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I’ll take a look.
I’ve seen other famous trolls today. I think they’re still limited in number of posts they can make.

Those gals next to him must be his daughters, right??

I assume Drudge, TNR, TDC etc. were all for exposing the party affiliation of Clive Bundy?

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I am flabbergasted & blown away.


Last week it was Cliven Bundy, this week it’s Donald Sterling. The right is having a bad April.