And what, pray tell, are the new and exciting ideas that Gardner would bring to the Senate? I mean, other than that brilliant, avant garde notion of fetal personhood?
Apparently, the editorial board flunked logic, and also did a demonstrably poor job or researching Gardner’s bona fides. He’s a far-right anti-abortion ideologue. This “over-the-counter” birth control is a smoke screen, as he’s demonstrated opposition toward woman having access to any birth control.
And why oh why would they think-- let alone print-- the absurd notion that Republican control of the Senate would “temper” their partisanship. Geez, they’ve been running the House for a while— the results speak for themselves.
As a fellow CO resident, I don’t understand their endorsement. They endorsed Hick and Halter here in the Springs, but endorsed wackjob Udall? That CO weed done screwed with their brain cells!
Shorter Denver Post “The GOP has stalled every legislative item in Congress so let’s send more of them to Congress to get nothing done.” If the Post had done any amount of homework, they would’ve noted that Udall and the Senate Democrats got comprehensive immigration reform passed in their body with Republican votes because they led on that issue. In the House, where the GOP has absolute power and an absolutely extreme caucus, they didn’t even bring up the bipartisan Senate bill for a vote.
Incredibly naive. They apparently havent been watching the last 6 years. If the DP believes Gardner will cooperate with President Obama, I got a bridge to sell them. As a Colorado resident I am absolutely stunned. Gardner was laughable in the debates, dodging questiions and just refusing to answer the most basic questions.
This is astonishing. The Post said that Gardner would introduce “fresh ideas.” Gardner is a tea bagger. Since 2010 he has been a stooge for Boehner; if he moves to the Senate he will be a stooge for O’Connell. The first idea that Gardner will introduce is tax cuts for the 0.1%. The Post actually appears to be taking Gardner’s fraudulent campaign at face.
If the Post board actually believe this about “tax reform” they are complete morons in macroeconomics. What else does the right have other than trickle down crap with tax cuts for the wealthy and big business. Gardner is nothing but a simple-minded Koch-sucker.
This endorsement is probably of little value. If the Post had issued a reality-based endorsement for Udall, it would have meant little to the wing nuts committed to Gardner. Still it is shocking to see journalists who should be paying attention display such ignorance of national politics over the last six years. They actually take Gardner at his word. That is gullibility beyond the line of unbelievable.
Those of us in Denver have come to expect this kind of stupidity from the Post editorial board. Disappointing, but not surprising. Why I dropped my subscription ages ago.
That is so stupid. Question for the board: Do you have any evidence to support that belief?
Instead doing their job of educating their readership on what the goppers have been doing for the past 34 years or so, okay just the past 6 years, they go Stockholm syndrome. Nice
I thought I had mistakenly clicked over to The Onion when I read that headline. I think the Post realized it was on the verge of endorsing only Democrats and decided to make a play for new subscribers from the Teabag crowd. Or, as many others here have pointed out: too much weed for the old white guys writing these things. Please vote, everybody. Please!