Discussion: Denver Post Dumps Udall, Endorses Gardner in Colorado Senate Race

Did the Denver Post - in their call for “fresh leadership, energy and ideas” to deal with Congress’ abysmal reputation somehow manage to forget that Cory Gardner has actually been sitting in Congress.

Gardner is a perfect example of why Congress is so toxic and dysfunctional.

He supported shutting down the government. He opposed raising the debt ceiling - threatening the US with default. He took part in the 50+ votes to “repeal Obamacare”. He has been an enthusiastic rubber stamp for right wing extremism in the House - the only time he has broken ranks with the obstructionist Republican leadership was when he joined the tea partier dissenters in demanding an even harder line.

They think electing someone with that record is the answer to the gridlock in DC?



This isn’t really about Udall or Gardner, so much as the Denver Post itself, which is being primped for sale.

America’s #12 paper has relatively great circulation numbers, and it wants to show it can be used to influence local opinion to the next billionaire who buys it. The current marketing is something like, “look, you get power to determine the Senate majority.” The marketing angle is rather short-sighted, of course. Come November 5, it won’t matter. Probably would have been better to just keep on keeping on in this case.


They are for sale, so they want to be bought.

Wow, this is like giving the person who burned down your house the keys to your ski condo.

So the Post’s logic is, “Congress doesn’t work; let’s send another GOPer to the Senate”? Sheesh.

Shorter Post: Yeah, we know that if the GOTP gets control of the Senate and does what they say they will do, we’re all screwed. But vote for them any way because – trust us – they won’t do it.

So Murdoch bought the Denver Post too?

Hadn’t heard.

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sooo… the paper thinks that gardner is sincere when he proposes otc birth control… as if that proposal would ever have a chance in hell in passing congress… christ almighty … an editorial board this naive has no business opining…

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Fred Koch, John Birch Society board member and its primary financial supporter, died before realizing his vision for America. Government hindered Fred’s freedom and believed social security and medicare made Americans lazy.

Before government, people worked all their lives. Today, elderly parasites look forward to social security, medicare, and retirement. Even ill and disabled elderly could do some work. By eliminating minimum wage, employers will readily hire even people in their nineties. With elderly discounts, they don’t need much money. Those on oxygen should not work around fire or electrical sparks. But this must be voluntary, not mandated by oppressive government regulations.

Sloth begins early, encouraged by liberal child labor laws and a 40-hour week. Dire economic times obligate children to help to lift their families from poverty. Before government enacted these freedom restricting laws, employers eagerly hired children as young as six.

Fred’s sons, David and Charles continue working to bring their fathers dream a reality. Charles opened a John Birch bookstore. David ran as Vice President on the Libertarian platform to end Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, minimum wage, post office, EPA, OSHA, FDA, Consumer Product Safety Act, usury laws, child welfare, and the Departments of Energy and Transportation. Additionally, they propose privatizing all highways, Interstates, and schools.

Today Charles and David are spending millions to elect Cory Gardner and others who share their agenda. To make Fred’s vision a reality, vote Republican.


Fred’s Vision for America

Fred Koch, John Birch Society board member and its primary financial supporter, died before realizing his vision for America. Government hindered Fred’s freedom and believed social security and medicare made Americans lazy.

Before government, people worked all their lives. Today, elderly parasites look forward to social security, medicare, and retirement. Even ill and disabled elderly could do some work. By eliminating minimum wage, employers will readily hire even people in their nineties. With elderly discounts, they don’t need much money. Those on oxygen should not work around fire or electrical sparks. But this must be voluntary, not mandated by oppressive government regulations.

Sloth begins early, encouraged by liberal child labor laws and a 40-hour week. Dire economic times obligate children to help to lift their families from poverty. Before government enacted these freedom restricting laws, employers eagerly hired children as young as six.

Fred’s sons, David and Charles continue working to bring their fathers dream a reality. Charles opened a John Birch bookstore. David ran as Vice President on the Libertarian platform to end Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, minimum wage, post office, EPA, OSHA, FDA, Consumer Product Safety Act, usury laws, child welfare, and the Departments of Energy and Transportation. Additionally, they propose privatizing all highways, Interstates, and schools.

Today Charles and David are spending millions to elect Cory Gardner and others who share their agenda. To make Fred’s vision a reality, vote Republican.


So since you cant get anything done in the senate the Post says lets reward the obstructionists. Logic not

The Denver Post has become a bastion for right wing rhetoric and mass lies by the Ed Bd…

Gardner is anti-women and anti- immigrant and will not temper anything…Slime to the 9th degree…The DP has lost major readership …

People read what NOT to do and what to vote against at the DP!

No wonder the Denver Post has the reputation of always picking the winner-- a month before the elections they change their endorsement to the guy who polls show is going to win. Good way to maintain a ‘winning streak.’

“The newspaper explained that it believed Republicans would “temper their policies” with control of the Senate.”

Wait, this is from “The Onion,” right? Please tell me this is from “The Onion.”

Someone needs to tell The DP that this ain’t your father’s Republican Party…

“Rather than run on his record, Udall’s campaign has devoted a shocking amount of energy and money trying to convince voters that Gardner seeks to outlaw birth control despite the congressman’s call for over-the-counter sales of contraceptives,” the Post wrote. “Udall is trying to frighten voters rather than inspire them with a hopeful vision. His obnoxious one-issue campaign is an insult to those he seeks to convince.” ummm no. I live in Colorado and do see Udall talk about accomplishments and Gardner>he has one commercial filmed at a wind farm( or solar farm) and he says that it shows he is forward thinking on new technology but he only talks of fracking. He is a climate denying bag man for the Koch Bros. and he only believes in OTC birth control because he got called out for backing a bill that outlaws ALL birth control and abortion even in the case of rape and incest. It also would not be covered by insurance( ya know ,like the way viagra is).Then he denies the bill even exists and when the sheer bullshit of that statement is brought to light(he makes it so so easy),then the Denver Post backs Gardner. Really? You think that Congress is dysfunctional and your solution is to back the tea party guy?Really? Have you all just spent the last few years under a rock or something? These are the guys that said to voters to expect a shutdown if they got elected and that is what they did. They do not have any intention of building up, only tearing down. You at the Post, shame on you

You forgot to mention that all that hard work the Kochs talk about is not for them.I lived in Aspen in the 80s and so did they, with lotsa drug and alcohol fueled parties and lotsa woman…come to think of it ,that’s the only thing I like about them. I was never invited but if I was, I wouldn’t finish them off by telling the caterer to work harder while I was screwing a couple of cocktail waitresses

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FWIW, there are actually progressive posters over on the DP op-ed calling out the silly endorsement for what it is. Of course, there are your right wing trolls there as well, but this should hopefully be the spark that jumps Udall’s campaign.

Are you fucking kidding me? republicans would temper their policies? when has THAT ever happened???

Hey, Denver Post, making contraceptives “over the counter” effectively removes birth control from health care coverage. If you guys think that’s not a big deal, you’re fucking idiots.


A right wing rag? They endorsed Obama twice and just endorsed the current Democratic governor.