Discussion for article #228709
“The newspaper explained that it believed Republicans would “temper their policies” with control of the Senate.”
Sure… That sounds totally reasonable. What is the Denver Post Editorial Board smoking?
It takes a lot of weed to jump to those conclusions.
If Gardner wins, of course, it could mean the Senate has flipped to Republicans. However, that doesn’t mean it will simply butt heads with President Obama as the Republican House has done,"
Any credibility this newspaper might have had just disappeared with that statement.
“Rather than run on his record, Udall’s campaign has devoted a shocking amount of energy and money trying to convince voters that Gardner seeks to outlaw birth control despite the congressman’s call for over-the-counter sales of contraceptives,”
Whoever is keeping a tally of those tricked by this new over-the-counter contraceptives game, please put the Denver Post in the “dumber than a box of rocks” category.
The suggestion that they should respond to GOP gridlock by rewarding the GOP is one of the most pathetic and sad things I’ve ever heard.
Ok… maybe weed is worse than i thought it was before.
A climate science denier. In beautiful Colorado.
The most lovely landscape that once was, if the GOP had their way.
What a pitifully stupid endorsement.
“My logic is undeniable.”
The entire Denver Post editorial board should be fired, and immediately transported to the Colorado Home for the Criminally Bewildered.
I have not heard such a willful disregard of fact, truth, and reality from such a group in many a year.
Udall may not be the best Senator, but he’s so much better than Gardner—on so many levels—that this endorsement is both risible and nonsensical.
Wow - Delusion at its worst. So once the senate flips to the repubs, they can be expected to play good and not behave like the house.
Yes - in their dreams.
In a related editorial, The DenPo has endorsed Barstool Palin as Substance Abuse Commissioner.
Either they are mental or they’ve been paid off.
Well, yes, but clearly we shouldn’t be so negative as to actually look at Gardner’s record and climate science denialism. Instead we should be inspired with a hopeful vision where Republicans will magically temper their policies and suddenly be productive and sane.
Why can’t they be both?
What unmitigated horse manure.
I used to have respect for the Denver Post…I have no idea how they came up with the twisted logic they used to come up with their endorsement of Gardner.
This is why I no longer receive the Denver Post. What a right wing rag.
Did the bozos on the editorial board say where they expect to have their unicorns delivered after Gardner ushers in this era of Republican Rainbow Goodness?
This is fucked-up thinking right here, until you realize they are trying to get circulation back up and who buys and reads newspapers anymore but shitheaded teabaggers.
Here’s how the Denver Post bs works if Gardner gets elected and Republicans gain control of the Senate.
1). Endorse Gardner by claiming that Republicans will temper their policies if they get control of the Senate. Appeal to a “hopeful vision” to sell this argument.
2). Republicans get control of the Senate and double-down on their crazy polices and obstruction.
3). The Denver Post argues that the Republicans have a mandate for their craziness and obstruction, because voters clearly knew what they were getting when they elected them. Appeal to a “hopeful vision” to deny any responsibility for enabling the craziness.
I’ve seen this happen here in Wisconsin, where editorial boards went from arguing “Scott Walker won’t follow through on the crazy things people are predicting so don’t believe the scare tactics” to arguing “Anyone paying attention knew exactly what Walker was going to do, so don’t complain now that he’s doing it, because he clearly had a mandate to do the things we previously denied he was going to do.”
When did gaslighting become a priority for so many media outlets?
And just think … they can smoke it legally.