Discussion: Denver Post Dumps Udall, Endorses Gardner in Colorado Senate Race

Just a guess…but I would guess that the editorial board is all male.

No woman would agree with the stupid birth control otc delusion.


Does anyone read the newspaper anymore?


Rocky Mountain Low…


Those too dumb to realize things have changed say things like: “the GOP will temper their policies if they win”.


The only way the word temper applies to Republicans is if you combine it with the word tantrum.




“peace in our time”


Now, now…hold on there. My wife reads our local paper every day and she is no republican

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LOL! love it!

TPM: The [Denver Post] explained that it believed Republicans would “temper their policies” with control of the Senate.

Right. Tell us again: How well did that work when the GOP took over the House - with an anti-American undemocratically gerrymandered minority of the vote - in 2010?


When has a Republican ever offered a fresh idea? And if the Post thinks the Republicans will temper their policies CO needs to make weed illegal again.


“The newspaper explained that it believed Republicans would “temper their policies” with control of the Senate.”

That’s precisely the level of stupid that got us in this mess. Seriously, I just don’t know if there’s any way to measure such vast and ubiquitous idiocy.

Edit: Dear TPM…please keep track of this so that you can do a story demanding a mea culpa from the Post when the Teatrolls control the Senate and spend the next 2 years trying to “even it out” by forcing Obama to use the veto pen on a daily basis. They have essentially bought and swallowed the GOP/Teatroll argument that “we’re going to turn everything into a fucking circus unless you elect us, so you better elect us if you want less circus.” They’re the bad parent who took the toddler’s toy away for misbehavior but then gives it back just to stop the tantrum.


The only remaining question is which group will be larger?
Voters persuaded by the endorsement to vote for the goper
Voters persuaded by the endorsement to cancel their subscription


The idea that Republicans will temper their strategy if they take the Senate is pure fantasy.

I expect them to double down on their intransigence, to send Obama wave after wave of their idiotic legislative ideas. And there will be hardly any judicial or executive nominations passed in the next two years if they do take over the Senate.

I hope that the Democrats stay in session every day from the election until the new Congress starts to fill as many vacancies as humanly possible.


Seriously? Do they have a clue what the Republicans plan to do the minute they get a majority? Well, they’ve told us: block everything, repeal ACA, and forget about ratifying any ambassadors and judges, as well as gut Social Security and Medicare, education, and environmental laws (good luck Colorado beauty).


after watching Gardner expose his lack of understanding of the ACA law, this Denver voter says no thanks Denver Post. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1fcy3e58xY


My feelings exactly (minus the #@%$&!!)

What I sincerely hope is that this endorsement further energizes Udall, his team, the Party and Colorado voters. Because this newspaper’s illogic screams so much of “payoff” that anyone can see what’s going on here.


Meanwhile, turnout of women will make any and all difference nationwide.

Good luck thinking that Roosevelt deconstructionists are going to shepherd anything moderate.

Udall will win now.

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Yes, lets endorse a misogynist liar because the senate needs “new ideas”,the Post has been putrefying rapidly over the past several years and this brand of logic will put them closer to their deserved death throes…best line ever"moderate their policies when attaining control of the Senate"…these fuckers haven’t governed in years and make no bones about their disdain for living up to their responsibilities, By all means ,lets elect more of them to solve this problem.


Bark beetles, http://cdn.yearsoflivingdangerously.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/TYPGX_140221_Ep102_BEETLE_MAP600.gif

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