editors promise the pony in a pile of shit
That’s just sick.
The quintessential marble in the oatmeal (can anyone tell me what that’s from hehe?).
“A look back shows that eras of evenly divided power – Congress fully controlled by one party, the presidency by the other – have turned out to be among the most productive because both sides temper their policies.”
Sorry, editors, this gridlock is not about policy differences. If the President “tempered his policies” any more, Democrats would abandon him totally, and Republicans would still fight him tooth and nail. Republicans want one-party rule, and they will settle for nothing less. And God help their voters if they get it (see Kansas, 2014).
“The newspaper explained that it believed Republicans would “temper their policies” with control of the Senate.”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
deep breath
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …
Well, I guess running a newspaper requires so much delusion these days that a little more is easy.
I guess with the Senate, Republicans would behave unlike their House counterparts when the took majority control of that body and focused on jobs. Oops, they didn’t. If the Republicans win the Senate, they and their most conservative members will enact every wet dream they ever had, and dare the President to veto them. Also, forget about getting any nominees approved.
Can these people be so ignorant to be believed a freshman senator ever provides leadership? Or is it they think most americans don’t know how the senate is constructed?
“The newspaper explained that it believed Republicans would “temper their policies” with control of the Senate.”
Are you really that insane to think this will happen if the Repukes gain control of the Senate? This is truly one of the most ridiculous arguments for electing a Republican Senator I’ve ever seen.
I am so sick of the mainstream press. With rare exception it has become a national joke; this is just the latest example. What do actual journalists in other countries think of our “Fourth Estate”? What would Edward R. Murrow think?
It’s hard to believe that anyone, even a single person, could believe that sending another Republican to Congress would somehow lead to Congress getting more accomplished.
Then again, it’s the Denver Post, and perhaps they’re smoking something there in the editorial offices.
It truly is. They’re essentially saying, “Vote for the Republican because he’s not really going to do what he says he will”.
Denver Post is not what it used to be and flip-flopping doesn’t suit them well at all. So sad.
Jesus god. They’re completely disassociated.
Which seems to be job requirement for newspaper editorial boards, honestly.
Was this followed by an editorial that print newspapers are poised to make a big comeback as soon as the younger generation tires of reading about current events on their smartphones? Because that has a better chance of happening than a Republican Senate working with Obama to get anything accomplished.
WTF?!!! Is this kind of reverse psychology thingy they’re trying to do here? It’s all a joke, right? Have they listened to the Senate republicans, especially Mitch McConnell, for the past 6 years?!!! Are they living in the same country the rest of us are?
Unbelievable. Really. It’s unbelievable that they would write something so devoid of reality.
This stupid editorial board sounds like an abused spouse - If I just give them what they want and than give them total control - then they will calm down and be nice … BS!
Has there been a marked change in the advertising that’s showing up in the Post lately? I mean, it’s fairly obvious to anyone with a brain in their head that one way to buy the paper’s/media outlet’s endorsement is to funnel the money through advertising dollars. After all, it’s why the “news” swore off ever using the “L-word” no matter how insane and fabricated the spooge flying out of someone’s mouth is, particularly if they’re a GOPer trying to do something like combat 99% global consensus amongst the world’s scientists about something like climate change. Left with nothing but lying, that’s what they resort to, but if you’re CNN, do you REALLY want to lose all that ad revenue when the RNC and NRSC decide to boycott you and all the conservative super PACs follow suit?
That was my take away. They are caving to the shut down threat.
“temper their policies with control of the senate.”
in other words, udall wants to represent the 99%, whereas his opponent represents the 99. %, and love of money trumps doing what’s right for “we the people.”
“Rocky Mountain Highhhhhhhhhhhh…”