Discussion: Denver Post Dumps Udall, Endorses Gardner in Colorado Senate Race

More from the actual article:

“Gardner has sound ideas on tax reform that could help the economy take off and has expressed willingness to compromise on immigration despite a fairly hard line over the years.”

In other words, the gullible dipshits running the Post don’t recognize an etch-a-sketch job when they see one.

“As The Wall Street Journal’s Gerald Seib recently pointed out,…A look back shows that eras of evenly divided power — Congress fully controlled by one party, the presidency by the other — have turned out to be among the most productive” because both sides temper their policies."

Translation: “If Rupert Murdoch’s lackeys say so, then it’s good enough for us.”

"his past views on same-sex marriage are becoming irrelevant now that the Supreme Court has let appeals court rulings stand and marriage equality appears unstoppable. "

Aaaaah, so that’s why the conservatives on the SCOTUS refused to act on it yet: fucking imbeciles the country wide are going to argue that it doesn’t matter if they elect a bigot if his bigotry is held in check by the law. You know, because he couldn’t possibly act like a bigot or be ruled by his bigotry in ways that would effect his judgment in other ways and he sure wouldn’t ever try to enact anything to carry out his bigoted agenda under the guise of some other policy issue, just like Atwater taught him. No no…as long as the law says so, there’s no way for people who actually write the laws to do anything about it.

“contrary to Udall’s tedious refrain, Gardner’s election would pose no threat to abortion rights.”

Wanna bet? Guess who stands in the way of the appointment of another liberal on the SCOTUS, you fucking dillholes. Guess. That’s right, the fucking Senate…and while they can’t just appoint someone they want, they can certainly make a mess for 2 years and allow 5 conservatives to run rampant over all sorts of rights, like abortion, with only 3 liberals there to object.

This is may be the shallowest, most ill-conceived endorsement argument of the election cycle and it serves as nothing more than a massive, infuriating case study of precisely the kind of wrong-headed, irrational thought processes that lead people to vote for GOPers/Teatrolls time and time again…only to find themselves a short while later going “what the fuck have I done?”


Carpet Fresh.

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There must be a subscription push in Colorado Springs in the works.


“By contrast, we can be sure of what will happen in the next two years on issues such as immigration, tax reform, entitlement reform and military spending if the status quo persists: little to nothing. And yet these issues are critical to the nation’s economic health and a long-awaited boost for middle-class incomes.”

So again: “The GOP/Teatrolls have obstructed everything and ground the legislative process to a complete and utter halt on certain issues because they don’t have majority control over the entirety of the House and Senate. It’s their fault everything has stopped working and they’ve quite literally told us that it will stay that way unless we give them total control over the legislative branch. Therefore, we have to give in to their demands to get anything done and should give them what they want.”


This is what happens when you let old, white men smoke marijuana legally. They just can’t handle it. Try turning on the fan in the editorial board room.

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“Gardner has sound ideas on tax reform that could help the economy take off”

Translation: Gardner promised to cut the taxes the Post pays and probably the taxes that the imbeciles who endorsed him pay as well.

Bottom Line: This group of ad revenue whores has decided that a GOP takeover of the senate is in their best interests because it will provide the most sensational newsiness for them to spew.


The newspaper explained that it believed Republicans would “temper their policies” with control of the Senate.

They can’t be serious about that. You’d have to be a complete fool to believe that.

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Which proves that the Post has either not been paying attention to what Cory Gardner has been up to in the House or they are getting paid to have this particular opinion.


The gerrymandering occurred after the 2010 elections.

I hope that it is voters who are newly motivated to vote against such an endorsement.

Yes, after the bloodbath of 2010, when people stayed home. Same in Michigan.

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What is the real reason they are abandoning Udall? The idea that the GOP will “moderate” when in control, in this climate and given the history of the last 10 years, is preposterous, delusional. It is no longer 1983.

A lot of money was spent to buy the Colorado House and Senate to produce the new map in 2010. One of the biggest beneficiaries was Cory Gardner because Fort Collins and Larimer county went to CD-2 while conservative Southern Colorado went to CD-4.


I would prefer Udall run on his record too, however anyone believing that Gardner has softened one iota from his personhood amendment ways has been spending too much time at the dispensaries in Garden City.

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But before or after the 2010 election that brought the Republican majoritys to make it happen?

It’s becoming clear that the capitalist class favors Republican control of Congress right now, especially with Obama in the White House and Hillary likely to follow. To put that another way, Democrats are for times of trouble, such as the financial crises, but having done their job, it’s time for the base party of American capitalism again.

“…Cory Gardner can help…”

So, the endorsement by the lamestream media should mean conservatives will vote for freedom from oppressive government control.

They’ll vote for Udall.

‘A look back shows that eras of evenly divided power – Congress fully controlled by one party, the presidency by the other – have turned out to be among the most productive" because both sides temper their policies.’

That was before the Republican Party went full kamikaze. Looking back to the Republican Part of previous decades tells you absolutely nothing about how the Republican Party will behave in the Tea Party era. But I’m not surprised that the Wall Street Journal editorial page would not recognize that.


The newspaper explained that it believed Republicans would “temper their policies” with control of the Senate.

Sounds like a Republican… utterly disconnected from reality and ignoring historical fact. Hell, they don’t even have to go back a full decade to see how Republicans acted the last time they controlled both chambers of Congress.

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I don’t know; a poll that NPR reported today had women split almost evenly between the two parties, probably because of the ads the GOP is running claiming the Democrats are making the country unsafe (ISIS, Ebola, cantaloupe-calved illegals).