Discussion: Debate Moderator Confronts GOP's Gardner On Personhood Bill Denials

I never heard Russert do it.

His reputation as a sharp questioner was undeserved.


We should fly this moderator to all of the Senate debates, starting with Iowa.

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“I support life” - so that means he is:
Against the death penalty?
For contraception (the only known way to decrease abortions)?

And for quality education, nationalized health care and and social security to help the lives of the vulnerable?


A better point would have been that voting for a law that gets enacted isn’t just a “statement”, it has real effects on real people.


It’s funny how everyone eviscerated him almost as much as Gregory until he died, and then he was lionized afterward. In part because we didn’t think things could get worse, but they did.


If you think life is sacred, then you can’t dig up a carrot or swat a mosquito. You can’t cut down a living tree. You cannot take an anti-biotic. You cannot shoot a bear that is eating your brain.
If you think a cluster of cells is a person, then EVERY cluster of cells has rights, regardless of the species it belongs to(and that goes for cancer tumors, as well–after all it wants to live, just like box jellies). If you think you have the right to control what other persons decide to do with their reproductive machinery, then you do not believe in freedom, you believe that might makes right, and you want to defend your point of view at gunpoint. If might makes right, then I can decide to wipe you off the face of the Earth. If might makes right, then not much is really sacred–except might. My might will ALWAYS trump yours, unless you live in a fireproof house, and wear a bulletproof vest and employ a food taster and a gas mask. See where blind adherence to LOGIC can get you? Into the realm of the utterly absurd.


where udalls ad

Russert was capable of asking tough questions—he just never did it.

And he never, ever called out liars when they lied.


He vas only following orders…

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He (or more likely his production staff) was great at locating “gotcha” video and playing it to begin an interview, but then he would rarely (never?) follow up on the stream-of-consciousness baloney that followed.

Apparently these political liars have decided that if they just “stick to their guns” the questioner will give up, leave them alone, and let them continue their lying ways (as we all know, this ‘agree to disagree’ nonsense has absolutely nothing to do with facts).

For them, it’s a simple matter of outlasting your opponent. Sadly, it almost always works - even in this case.

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I’m still waiting for some lone and very brave journalist to actually call a liar a liar.

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I was just looking at the details of the amendment, on ballotpedia: http://ballotpedia.org/Colorado_Definition_of_"Personhood"_Initiative,Amendment_67(2014)

One thing I noticed about the bill description is that supporters refer to an accident involving a woman 8 months pregnant and her “pre-born” child. That term is new to me. It’s clear why they’re trying to use it, but always annoying when people editorialize through forced language change.


No, let’s just clone him and bring on a new era where journalists prepare, do their research and question the stupidity.


You sir, are the new Diogenes!

Gardner has gotten away with that exact thing before in his political career. During his first Congressional campaign, Gardner made fun of his opponent for talking about abortion rights, and promised voters that this wasn’t a big deal for him, and that he would not make culture war issues and abortion restrictions a priority if he was elected.

So … Gardner essentially gave everyone the okeydoke, and he got elected. And then Gardner proceeded to do exactly the opposite of what he had promised. He flipping co-sponsored the federal personhood legislation, as well as supporting the personhood ballot initiatives in Colorado. But he didn’t pay a political price.


According to Orwell, “the purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meaning and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words and stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings, and so far as possible of all secondary meaning whatever.” The idea that language influences worldview is linguistic relativity.
For example, the word “free” still existed in Newspeak but could only be used in terms of something not being possessed as in, “the dog is free from lice” or, “this field is free from weeds.” It could not be used in terms of being able to do as one pleases, as in “free choice” or “free will” since these concepts no longer existed. Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought, and this purpose was indirectly assisted by cutting the choice of words down to a minimum. Any redundancies in the English language were removed.


You should call the local Dem headquarters and remind them to start calling you and every other registered Democrat in the county to vote. I suppose their doing door-to-door outreach to also register new voters may be hoping too much?

I was recently in Aspen, CO. What I came to realize is that there are a LOT of mega-wealthy Coloradans who will vote Republican for purely financial reasons. They aren’t affected by laws for average people. If they need an abortion they get one. Their health care is not in jeopardy. Schools? Not a problem because their kids go to private ones. Public transportation? Hah!

I met some of these people and liked them, but they look out for themselves first. That is how they got so rich. The one thing that might swing their vote is the environmental policies of the Parties. They loves them some pretty mountains!

But make no mistake about it. It isn’t only rednecks in CO who might vote for this weasel. I hope the good guys come out and vote in November.

An aside: the next time one of these f**k-wads says he is “just for life,” the other debater should say, “…really? Because your stance on capital punishment, war, and denying health care to people make me think you are more for death.”


This explains a lot of Gardner’s overtly stupid statements.

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Remember the Duck Test?

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

Gardner’s bill sure looks like a personhood bill.